How do I get pre brochure information



We have a special family celebration in October 2008 and would like to cruise the Panama Canal

The current brochure only runs up to April 2008,does anybody know how I can get some early information re sailigs as we have a lot of foward planning to make and as we live in the U.K.we don't seem to get much response from our Captains Club desk

Many Thanks for any help


Hey there,

Maybe one of the TA's that post here will have a better idea.
I personally do two things plus guess.
1) Check the ships calendar on X's website frequently
2) Check their press releases for changes that they release

The guessing part comes in when you compare yr to yr before. October 2007 shows the Infinity doing a couple of Canals and then it heads off through the canal again to South America. it has done this or a an X ship has done this for about 4 maybe five yrs now. It is likely to happen again.

Also their new smaller ships look like they are going to hit the canal also if thats any help. I know budget wise it won't be :)


Thanks for the BSea bob for such a speedy reply,do you know if Celebrity would take a booking for say 18th month ahead of sailing.

Once again many thanks


That I'm not to sure of so I asked for help over in another forum. I'm sure we will hear from some folks.

I don't think there is a way to book unless they have it scheduled somewhere/somehow or other. In this day and age they need to be able to change itinerarys for all sorts of reason beside just business reasons.
I know that I've never been overly impressed with X's shore assistance and from what I've read you guys across the pond seem to have less success that we do over here so my suggestion of calling X seems like a waste of time doesn't it ??
I love sailing on them but dislike having to deal with them if you know what I mean.

red stripe

becker, I will ask a TA to respond to this .
My guess is also that it would have to be posted before you could book it.
But will ask the experts to comment


NOT an expert here but a few years ago when we were looking at doing the Hawaiian cruise when the Ininity was going to be brand spanking new - we wanted to book it about 2 years ahead.

The TA told us that "some" cruise lines will hold space on non-published sailings as an "X" booking. I have no idea how it worked but we could give a small deposit and when the sailings opened for booking we would be one of the first to get in there. I think you can ask Celebrity directly or call a TA.

Good Luck - the Panama Canal is one of the best cruises we ever did.


Hi again

Just to say that our friends 'over the pond' are always so helpful
I did e mail the U.S.captains club and had a reply today saying they could not help,your right sometimes it does seem they are only paying lip service with their claim of help and assistance.

Thanks again from a grateful Limey a.k.a. Becker