How do you get Visas for your destinations?


New Member

If you are a Sri Lankan passport holder how do you get visas for the destinations for a world cruise. With about many countries how do you streamline visas?

As a Sri Lankan passport holder you do not get visa on arrival of eVisa for many countries.



Staff Captain

If you are a Sri Lankan passport holder how do you get visas for the destinations for a world cruise. With about many countries how do you streamline visas?

As a Sri Lankan passport holder you do not get visa on arrival of eVisa for many countries.

Do you have a travel agent? Ask for their guidance or go to each country’s government website to see what they require from your citizenship.

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Staff Captain
As Seamom said, find a reputable travel agent to help you with this.
I googled “ travel agents in Sri Lanka” and a lot of agencies popped up.

get one in your own country. They will have more experience in the problems that you may face.