How does Princess do debarkation?


Gayle V

I've heard they have the "carry your own bags" early debarkation available, but I really have no desire to slep my own bags. So here's my question: I'm wondering if Princess still gives early call tags to people with earlier flights?

On our recent Carnival cruise, if you didn't carry your own bags off the ship, you had to take your chances with whatever color tag you boarded with.

(Due to Delta messing with our flight times, I'm back to searching for flights for the Great ESCAPE, and considering a 12:45 flight. I really hate to take anything earlier than 1:30, as we've had trouble getting our 1:00 flights the last few cruises, but considering it now, otherwise we won't be home till nearly ten pm.)


We did self disembarkation on the Amigo cruise....they were also calling people by colour tags. If you have an early flight you can still be in one of the early groups off the ship. Just take your airline tickets down to the Purser's desk (as proof of your flight time) and ask for the earliest disembarkation possible. I'm sure they will accommodate you.

Lady Jag

Yes, they still give out the colored tags. Right after they call self-disembarkation people, (if I remember correctly), they start with Red 1 & Red 2 which are for the early flights.

Make sure Princess is aware of your flight times. You should get one of the first disembarkation colors & if you don't, just take what you've been given to the Purser's Desk the night before you get off the ship & show them your flight reservations. You shouldn't have a problem.

Disembarkation is something Princess does really well. :)

Gayle V

Thanks Beryl and Lady Jag, I feel a little better after hearing that, as I decided to go ahead and take a chance on the 12:45 flight.


On the Diamond Princess (early Sept 07) we were given colored tags that attempted to match our flight times. It did seem odd though that in some cases, all colors for a specific debarkation type were called at the same time. What was nice was that different exits were selected for different debarkation types.
We made the first bus to the airport in Vancouver in our group as we were 5 minutes past the cutoff for the first group of airlines. At the airport, the luggage was accessible only to the groups in order of their flights anyway so whether you were first or last to the busses, it didn't matter since you had to stand and wait at the luggage area in lines anyway.
Those lucky enough with foresight to schedule their own flights and make the customs auto checkin were scheduled to exit the boat at about the same time via a different door as we were (which I found a little weird).
However, I thought that the use of varying exit doors for varying groups really speeded up the process.