How does Princess handle tips now?


Lady Jag

It's been 2 yrs. since our last Princess cruise. How is Princess handling the tips now? Are they charged automatically to our account? If it's charged, does it include the cabin steward? Thanks for the help! :)


I returned yesterday from a one week trip on the Grand. The tips were charged directly to our room accounts. It was $6.50 per person per day for the dining room gratuity and $3.50 each for the room steward. We did not eat any lunches in the dining room and had breakfast in the dining room on only two occasions. I didn't see any gratuity charge for the breakfast meals - not sure if that was an oversight on their part or if the $6.5o per day charge is for all meals - it was listed on my folio as "AB NIGHT".

Tips for any and all beverages were included with the individual bevrage charges. We gave our room steward an exytra $45 in an envelope at the end of the cruise as the service was so fantastic. Gratuity envelopes are available in a box on the counter at the purser's desk during the last two days of the cruise. I strongly recommend using the on-line personalizer at the Princess web site and pre-registering your credit card. The lines at the purser's desk that last two days were long but we never had to deal with it - just had an account summary delivered to our mailbox that was available on Sunday morning.


phaelon56 has nailed it down very well Lady Jag. U also have the option to increase or decrease your tips and if U wish U can also cancel ALL tip charges and hand out the envelopes your self if U wish. :thumb