How rough are front cabins?


New Member
We’re booked on NCL Breakaway this October, Venice to Barcelona. Has anyone here booked a front facing cabin and what was your experience with the movement (seasickness)? Our agent thought it might not be a problem but she was more interested in quickly making our reservation. Thanks


Water Sports Instructor
I have had the front and very back several times. Unless you are in a storm with rough seas I didn't notice much difference as far as movement goes. the only issue I had with the very front is you could hear them drop the anchor when we docked.


Forum Manager
Staff member
I have had some missing sleep from the pounding of the ship during the night. If it becomes really rough it can be an issue. Like hitting a wooden log about 2 metres round. Big ships still get used my mother nature. But normally they can get around most tough water. But ShiP happens.


I'm on Island Time
Staff member
As has been said, the anchor can be an issue depending on the location. A true forward-facing cabin would also experience some wind and more up-and-down movement if the seas were rougher.

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