Thanks you one and all for your thougths and prayers.
No, she found a lump about 3 weeks before the accident. She went to her GYN...then a week or so later had a mammo and ultra sound. Last Tuesday, 2 days after the motor cycle accident she had with her BF she had a biopsy on both breast as they found a spot in the other breast too. The results were suppose to be in on Friday and when she called her GYN for the results the nurse said they were negative. Well, today she got a call from the GYN office to make an appointment to come in and "see the Dr to discuss your results" Well, that sounds reassuring. She calls me and I raise holy hell...what do you mean wait a week, call back and demand to find out what the results are NOW. She is told they are positive for breast cancer. When she called last Friday the nurse gave her the resutls of the pap test she had at NOT the mammogram...we assume the biopsy results must not have been back though the radiologist said they would be at her Dr's by Friday. So now she has an appointment with a breast cancer oncologist specialist in Northern VA on Monday. Hell, if she waited the week to see her GYN NEXT Wednesday it would be 2 weeks before she would see the specialist. This poor kid has had a hell of a 6-8 weeks. First her beloved ex-father-in-law dies from suicide 6 weeks ago, she finds the lump soon after, when at that Dr appointment they also do a routine pap which came out suspect and they repeat it a week later...that comes up "pre-cancer" and they will repeat pap in 6 this. We are just sick. I am glad she is using a Dr in NoVA instead of the ones down here in Fredericksburg....I am really pissed at her GYN's office...can you image, keeping a women waiting on the hook for another whole week for something like this! Sorry for dumping on everyone but I am just a basket case right now as I somehow feel guilty as I too had a bad mammogram at the same time she did and my second came out OK.