I Have To Share

Mrs. B

Have been a lurker for about 5 years, and enjoy reading all the threads. Since I live near KC, MO, Maw's Ramble starts my day. Our son received a pancreas & kidney transplant on Wednesday at Research Medical Center. He has been on insulin shots for 35 years. Blood sugars, and etc. have good readings. There is going to be a big cruise celebration next summer. They all loved VOS, so it might just be the Oasis this time.


Staff Captain
That is truly wonderful news! After 35 years, it is a long awaited blessing...

I can relate a bit as we have several in my family who have had organ transplants, and some on the wait list. It is a long, difficult process.

My prayers are with all of you, that each day brings better news and the numbers all stay right where they need to be for your son..

God bless...


Staff Captain
Congratulations for your son and I hope he continues to do well. My sister is on a pump and I would give anything if she could have a pancreas transplant, But they only do it if another organ has to be replaced. Or at least that is what she has been told.

The best to your son!! :)


Staff Captain
So glad your son is doing well. May his health continue to improve and you have a wonderful celebration cruise!

Mrs. B

Corky, his kidney function had to be less that 20% before he could start testing for the transplant. He was very close to being on dialysis. Last year, his insurance denied the transplant & wanted him to dialysis first. This year, they approved the surgery.
He gets to choose the destination for our cruise. DH & I have been to Alaska 3 times, and would almost bet we are going again.
Thanks for you well wishes.


Staff Captain
Good news on your son and now that you have come out from lurking you need to come over to the Aft Deck and join the rest of us.


3rd Officer
Wonderful news on the transplant. My grandfather had a heart transplant during the superbowl in Feb 1991. I understand that every moment is a blessing and a miracle.


Staff Captain
So glad to read that your son is doing well and I will keep him in my thoughts for continued good health. Enjoy your cruise anticipation and planning!



Kinda slow getting over here this week. Great news for your son. FIL was on diaylsis for quite a while. Now you have come out come on over to Maw's Ramble and say Hi-where do you live can PM if want to.