Just be persistant with the credit card company. I had a problem last year with a cruise that I booked through an online agency...bad experience with MYTRAVELCO.com..never again. Anyway, the final payment date that I was given from the TA was wrong. When I went to cancel the cruise prior to the final payment, the TA told me that I was past the final payment date and that the $500 deposit I made to RCI was now gone. I don't think so. The agency screwed up giving me the wrong date and wanted me to pay for it. I can't tell you how many letters, copys of receipts and emails that I went back and forth with to American Express. In the end, it was boiling down to MYTRAVELCO lying to RCI and AMEX. After 5 months of fighting with AMEX, they finally went after the TA and made them refund my deposit. I was not giving up on this one as I was right, and they were wrong and I had all the paperwork to prove it. And AMEX tried that excuse with me giving the TA approval to charge because I had given them my CC#. I then called AMEX and told them I wanted to see a signed copy of the charge receipt, which of course they couldn't do as I never signed one.
Persistance will pay off in the end. Good Luck!