I need some suggestions for a nautical greeting...


Senior Flea Coller Tester
We are going to a birthday party/cookout on Saturday for our neighbor who has a sailboat and does boat and yacht restoration. Of course, I made a birthday card for him with a sail boat on it. But I need some nautical greetings to put inside the card, and I'm hoping you can help out with that. I got as far as...

As you cast-off on the next 50 years, we wish you calm seas....

but I'll change that in a minute if you guys can help me come up with something better or a way to finish it. Put on your thinking caps and help!

This is a scan of the card. I don't know if you can tell that the sails and the ocean waves pop up from the background so it's 3-D. I even managed to cut his nickname HUTCH in the flag on the mast.... The colors are a bit deeper too, but you get the general idea...




Captain Weather
Abast Matey!

Well, shiver my timbers

Stop, this is the U. S. Coast Guard!

I have no good suggestions, Glo. Just a lot of bad movie talk :)

nice sail boat.



Forever Remembered
As you cast-off on the next 50 years, we wish you blue skies and following seas. Happy Sails to you!



Staff Captain
Glo - that is a very nice card!



Senior Flea Coller Tester
Mary Ann, I have never heard the term FOLLOWING SEAS. What does that mean? I like the sound of it.


Staff Captain

I found this on the internet:

Boater's Blessing
May there always be water under your boat,
May she always be seaworthy, ever afloat,
May the bilge pump be certain to work night and day,
May the compass and charts always show the safe way,
May you find gentle harbor as every day ends,
May you lower your anchor amidst peace and good friends


Forever Remembered
Glo - you obviously don't remember the Captain's announcement when we left Victoria that we would be having "following seas" so the ride would be smooth.

Following seas are when the waves head from behind directly towards the stern of the ship rather than at an angle. The ride will be smooth - no rolling and, usually, no pitching. Usually there's no wind on the decks except what the forward movement of the ship may produce.

Essentially, the waves are heading in the same direction as the ship.
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Staff Captain
A few suggestions
Anchors Aweigh, roll up the score for 50 more
Plain sailing for the next 50 years
Waied anchor and set sail for the next 50 years



Staff Captain
I was trying to think of something with "gentle winds in your sails" or such and then I read CC's poem....I 2nd Denise-that is just perfect. :)


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Great suggestions! Thanks. Connie, I do love that poem. I think I'll use it!
Mary Ann, nope, I don't remember his announcement. If I was in my cabin I wouldn't have heard it. But I like it!

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