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Johns doctor called and had a long natter with me. he told me that whenever he loses a patient to this disease,aortic dissection he feels so bad cause its such a hard thing to discover and the odds are never good on the person surviving.
They were very lucky to have a smart tech who found the spot on Johns ultrasound. he just reviewed a case where they didnt find it and the person died before they could do surgery,John had a aneryrism that went from his aorta to his neck and also down into his kidneys,hence the kidney failure he was seeing on Friday the day of his death on blood work. The reason they didnt do a cat scan right then was the dye they inject during the xray damages your kidneys further if they are already in distress,he could of ended up on a machine or looking for a kidney. Also John took them on MRIs and cat scans he had done previously he was allergic to the dye. Once they found the spot the doctor didnt care what happened to his kidneys the scan had to be done. They saw the neck,aorta and kidney area,unfornately they didnt check his head.
He had a aneryrism there as well and that is what killed him,they repaired all the damage to his aortic valve,his neck and kidneys,put in the newest freestyle aortic pig stent and were very happy with the result,they were just going to warm up his body and take him off the heart lung machine,but once they took him off and a full rush of blood went into his brain it ruptured the aneryrism there,which they did not know,while we were waiting for him to come off the machine he was already brain dead,if they had been able to revive himhe would of been greatly mentally impaired or brain dead,I would of had to care for him or turn off machines,it was exploratory surgery so they didnt know about the head thing,and felt so bad,they caught it but not all of it,he should of been able to live with the stent for 20-25 years.Then he would of been 78,either dead or time to replace it,how I would of loved and John too to have 20-25 more happy,healthy years.This is a heriditary disease for males,very hard to detect,so if you have chest pains ask them to give you a cat scan right away as well pleas,cause in the end love is all that matters,not the bills from the medical you cant pay,or the work you no longer can do,or the change in lifestyle,I know our love would have gotten us thru all that,instead I have to tell myself to remember the greatest love I have ever known. I love you John if you are reading this now,and forever,and we all love you too for reading this,may God bless.
They were very lucky to have a smart tech who found the spot on Johns ultrasound. he just reviewed a case where they didnt find it and the person died before they could do surgery,John had a aneryrism that went from his aorta to his neck and also down into his kidneys,hence the kidney failure he was seeing on Friday the day of his death on blood work. The reason they didnt do a cat scan right then was the dye they inject during the xray damages your kidneys further if they are already in distress,he could of ended up on a machine or looking for a kidney. Also John took them on MRIs and cat scans he had done previously he was allergic to the dye. Once they found the spot the doctor didnt care what happened to his kidneys the scan had to be done. They saw the neck,aorta and kidney area,unfornately they didnt check his head.
He had a aneryrism there as well and that is what killed him,they repaired all the damage to his aortic valve,his neck and kidneys,put in the newest freestyle aortic pig stent and were very happy with the result,they were just going to warm up his body and take him off the heart lung machine,but once they took him off and a full rush of blood went into his brain it ruptured the aneryrism there,which they did not know,while we were waiting for him to come off the machine he was already brain dead,if they had been able to revive himhe would of been greatly mentally impaired or brain dead,I would of had to care for him or turn off machines,it was exploratory surgery so they didnt know about the head thing,and felt so bad,they caught it but not all of it,he should of been able to live with the stent for 20-25 years.Then he would of been 78,either dead or time to replace it,how I would of loved and John too to have 20-25 more happy,healthy years.This is a heriditary disease for males,very hard to detect,so if you have chest pains ask them to give you a cat scan right away as well pleas,cause in the end love is all that matters,not the bills from the medical you cant pay,or the work you no longer can do,or the change in lifestyle,I know our love would have gotten us thru all that,instead I have to tell myself to remember the greatest love I have ever known. I love you John if you are reading this now,and forever,and we all love you too for reading this,may God bless.