In the end love is all that matters


1st Officer - Navigation
Johns doctor called and had a long natter with me. he told me that whenever he loses a patient to this disease,aortic dissection he feels so bad cause its such a hard thing to discover and the odds are never good on the person surviving.

They were very lucky to have a smart tech who found the spot on Johns ultrasound. he just reviewed a case where they didnt find it and the person died before they could do surgery,John had a aneryrism that went from his aorta to his neck and also down into his kidneys,hence the kidney failure he was seeing on Friday the day of his death on blood work. The reason they didnt do a cat scan right then was the dye they inject during the xray damages your kidneys further if they are already in distress,he could of ended up on a machine or looking for a kidney. Also John took them on MRIs and cat scans he had done previously he was allergic to the dye. Once they found the spot the doctor didnt care what happened to his kidneys the scan had to be done. They saw the neck,aorta and kidney area,unfornately they didnt check his head.

He had a aneryrism there as well and that is what killed him,they repaired all the damage to his aortic valve,his neck and kidneys,put in the newest freestyle aortic pig stent and were very happy with the result,they were just going to warm up his body and take him off the heart lung machine,but once they took him off and a full rush of blood went into his brain it ruptured the aneryrism there,which they did not know,while we were waiting for him to come off the machine he was already brain dead,if they had been able to revive himhe would of been greatly mentally impaired or brain dead,I would of had to care for him or turn off machines,it was exploratory surgery so they didnt know about the head thing,and felt so bad,they caught it but not all of it,he should of been able to live with the stent for 20-25 years.Then he would of been 78,either dead or time to replace it,how I would of loved and John too to have 20-25 more happy,healthy years.This is a heriditary disease for males,very hard to detect,so if you have chest pains ask them to give you a cat scan right away as well pleas,cause in the end love is all that matters,not the bills from the medical you cant pay,or the work you no longer can do,or the change in lifestyle,I know our love would have gotten us thru all that,instead I have to tell myself to remember the greatest love I have ever known. I love you John if you are reading this now,and forever,and we all love you too for reading this,may God bless.


Ordinary Seaman
I am very sorry for your loss. Just try to remember God had another plan for you even though the plan may not seem fair or clear to you right now, but will be revealed at the right time.

God Bless



Environmental Compliance Officer
Korina, I am glad the doctor took the time to call you, just knowing what happened has to help a little bit.

I would not wish spending over a year watching a loved one suffer and try not to show the pain on anyone!

I hope you can continue to heal a little bit each day. Trust me, you will have your ups and downs but you can make it though the tough times!


Staff Captain
Korina - It was nice of the Dr to take the time to call you - so many of them don't take the time to call the family!

It is sad that they did not find the aneurysm in John's head and that this was the outcome but it is a blessing that he did not wind up impaired or on life support. I know it doesn't feel that way to you right now but I know that John wouldn't have wanted that burden for you.

It is good to remember how loved you have been! John surrounds you every day with it even now and while every day will have it's challenges, I know that you will always be able to remember John's love, laughter and smile as well as your years together. You are so right when you say that love is all that matters.



3rd Officer
My mother had this condition also, one of the biggest contributing factors is high blood pressure. She was given a 5% chance of surviving the surgery at a very small community hospital in Medford Oregon. The surgeon told my father it was a very rare condition and he hadn't had much experience with the procedure. That was in the early 1980's and I didn't even hear about it until she was out of the woods and my dad called to say we almost lost your mother.... it was the suddeness of it all that was so hard to understand.

aortic dissection - Bing Health

Interesting Mayo Clinic info about aortic dissection.

Take care of yourself Korina, I'm glad you could get some more information about that day, and know that John was in the best of hands and that they did all they could for him.



Staff Captain
Tha doctor is was so considerate to call you and explain all of this. I was so lucky when I had my 3 brain bleeds. Although I am now unable to walk unassisted I have managed to survive another 17 years since my last one. My Dad passed from an aortic aneursym.

Korina it is so good to see you posting. One day at a time.


Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist

that is very nice that the doctor called and talked with you

know that we are all here for you


Staff Captain
Korina - I also agree it was very nice of John's doctor to call you and explain everything that happened. It doesn't seem fair when something like this happens, and so suddenly, it makes it even harder to handle. I hope you soon find peace in your heart and can remember and laugh of the good times that you and John did have together. Take care of yourself.


Forever Remembered
Korina - the doctor did a wonderful act of kindness in explaining to you what happened. Of course, you would prefer that John still be with you, but God had other plans.

I share and understand your pain. My Mother literally dropped dead on her birthday December 9, 1983 as we walked into a restaurant to celebrate her birthday. It was a total surprise and utter shock. My Dad never got over his grief - he lasted less than 3 years.

Try to remember that your beloved John was spared from further serious illness - it's hard for you to understand now, but with the help of family and friends, your burden eventually will become easier.


Mary Ann


Staff Captain
Korina, that was a beautiful and eloquent posting. I am so glad the doctor called to explain everything to you... I can tell from your words that you are indeed starting the healing process, although that does certainly not replace the grieving. Having some answers is important, even if we do not understand why it had to happen to a person we love. Thank you for sharing this, and your advice, during your time of sorrow. Hugs to you, my dear and beautiful friend. I'll talk to you soon.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
I too think that was so nice of that dr to call you & explain what happened.
Continued prayers & good thought are coming your way.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Hi Korina, Swinging in here a day late and a dollar short (as usual). Not much I can add to everyone else's observations. So good that the doctor met with you to discuss John's death and the overall situation. So many don't.

Keep posting and communicating. Even if we can't offer advice, we do have shoulders to lean on, ears to listen and arms to hug.

Sometimes, that's exactly what's needed ...


1st Officer - Navigation
Oh Lisa I am still grieving so,but thru mediatation I have been able to get some sleep the last 2 nights,the days are long,with no John and I try not to cry even though he knows I cried at sappy commercials,it just hurts my body so much after I cry.I am just trying,weather I am healing I dont know but I am trying.


3rd Officer
I am glad that you got some answers from the doctor. That gives you a bit more closure.

Keep crying, keep talking and keep healing. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.



Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Can't add much to what everyone else has said but know that my thoughts continue to be with you and sending cyber hugs your way Korina.


Staff Captain
I agree with all that it was very good of the dr. to call and explain it all to you. And I do hope that maybe it will help to start you on your journey for closure in this heartbreaking event in your life. I lost my grandfather in almost the same way that Mary Ann lost her mom. He was out with another couple and my grandma for a post birthday sandwich before going to a Broadway show, bit into his food and dropped dead from the same condition. It just makes it so doubly hard on all of us "unsuspecting innocent souls" that are left behind...
Again, I am so sorry for your loss, Korina, and you are in my prayers constantly.


Staff Captain
Korina, I am glad the doctor was able to explain things for you. Hopefully it will bring some peace to you in some way. I know my sister went thru a rough time after losing her husband to some unexpected complications after a heart transplant. While it didn't take away her hurt it did help when she was able to talk to the doctor a few weeks later and get some questions answered.