


What do you think??
I have posted on the Community board also. There is no need to duplicate your posts.

Passengers put off on day 11 of a 14 day Panama Cruise. Received $100.00 US per cabin. Received/Room & $50.00 per day at Hotel in Mexico. Plus 10 min phone call to anywhere. Received Room and $60.00 per day at hotel in San Diego until their regular flts. home left. Received. 25% refund on cruise. Received 25% coupon for a cruise anywhere but Europe to be taken before next April.
Only other info I think you need to know is that many pax. (not all) didn't have a great return out of Mexico and there were the usual or purhaps more than usual baggage problems and miscommunications in transfers to and from airports and hotels etc. Also passengers booked on the next 3 cruises received or will receive a 50% coupon with same stipulations as above. Enough? Not??
Looking for some thoughtful input.


Post Edited (02-27-03 16:28)


Mostly pretty fair-- I think the future cruise coupon should have been better-- like at least 50% off next cruise with maybe at least 2 years to use it.


Hi BSeaBob:

Being in the group that fell through the cracks, I have to vote no.



Absolutely not adequate or fair.

I thought what Celebrity offered was more than fair when it was first announced while we were still aboard the ship. But after suffering the indignities, mismanagement and lies generated by Celebrity's representatives, I have concluded the offer is far from adequate.

If folks booked on those canceled cruises will get 50 percent discounts, why should passengers who were mistreated by Celebrity and whose vacations were not just simply interrupted, but turned into frustrating and extremely stressful experiences by the cruise line's actions, receive less?

You had to be there to fully appreciate Celebrity's bungling of the entire incident. If one simply lists the remedies proffered by Celebrity, it seems we passengers are either being greedy or mean-spirited. Not true... you had to be there.

Post Edited (03-16-03 02:44)


Entirely agree with Jonathanjay - initially compensation offered appeared to be reasonable however numerous very avoidable & unacceptable problems were encountered in the following 4 days. Incidentally has anyone received an answer from Celebrity to their letters ??
My initial posting on CruiseMates Board under 'Celebritys Problems' has now received 50 replies which suggests the depth of feeling towards Celebrity over their handling of this situation.