Yeesh. So much misinformation out there. Okay guys, this is the straight poop. The ENTIRE Millenium class of ships, which includes Infinity, Millenium, Constellation AND Summit were built with serious defects in their rudders and stabelizer equipment. Naturally, RCCL spent billions on these ships. They couldn't "throw them away", so they began an active lawsuit with the builder years ago. In the meantime, each and every one of them "takes turns" breaking down. They dry dock them, bandaid the problem and resail. you know, when you are engaged in a lawsuit of this proportion you cannot discuss it freely with your passengers. Therefore, while on board the ill fated 4/8 cruise, I heard every lie in the book told to passengers from "strong winds", "heavy seas", "minor engine issues", etc.
I have been sailing these ships since they were built, and will continue to, with the full knowledge that they will continue to "break down" every so often. The people who DO know the truth, will have it verified by higher ups or if you're Elite class, the rest will lie to you. I'm sure they are told to - it IS an active lawsuit. Unfortunately, I was one of the poor people who couldn't possibly make my flight back east, and it proved a very, very tiring 36 hour trip home. However, I got the "news" days before the rest of the ship and was able to reschedule on the redeye that night. Many people were stuck for days and had to pay for brand new tickets.
So, let's get the TRUE information out there, and end the misinformation. I had a MAGNIFICENT TIME and have already booked again. I stayed in CC, was at table 400 and could not have had a better cruise. Any details you might want, ask!=docdance