Infinity - Panama Canal



We're sailing Infinity (San Diego/Ft. Lauderdale) in October and when I checked Celebrity's website the other day, I noticed the addition to the itinerary of Huatulco and Cristobal Pier. Fortunately, those additions don't adversely affect the number of sea days, which is why we picked that cruise to begin with.
Nevertheless, does anyone know why Celebrity made those additions to the itinerary?


I'm not sure but I do know they were not happy with the Panama City stop. Quality of tours etc. last year.
Well I just went and looked at their web page and in typical Celebrity shore fashion they have the stops bass ackwards on east vs west. Cristobal Pier will happen after you go through the locks and into the Atlantic/caribbean. Going the other way they still show the stop at Fuente Amadour which is a marina between the canal and Panama City. I think the pier stop going the way you are going is just a timing issue with the transit coming first of course. I think most of the time the stops are short as they really don't have much control over what time the get to enter the canal on the day they arrive.
Contrary to what we did though the extra stop in Mexico would seem to use up a sea day. Which was also one of the reason we chose this itinery.

Post Edited (09-22-03 20:33)