As long-time loyal Celebrity cruisers, we're a bit curious (concerned?) about changes we see taking place. In a matter of just a few months, Celebrity announced a rather strange affiliation with Cirque de Soleil, Horizon's exit, Century's move to Europe, Summit's impending move to the Far East and the line's non-presence in the Caribbean between May and October. In addition, there's been a marked increase in "brochure" prices which are apparently the only prices now that the no-discount policy in is effect, and many new and somewhat exotic (not to mention, rather costly) pre- and post-cruise 'expeditions' have been introduced.
What exactly is going on at corporate headquarters in Miami, and in what direction do you see the line heading in the future? Are we watching the cruise product so many of us have come to know and love become a thing of the past?
I'd really appreciate some honest feedback. Thanks.
What exactly is going on at corporate headquarters in Miami, and in what direction do you see the line heading in the future? Are we watching the cruise product so many of us have come to know and love become a thing of the past?
I'd really appreciate some honest feedback. Thanks.