Is Celebrity changing too much?



As long-time loyal Celebrity cruisers, we're a bit curious (concerned?) about changes we see taking place. In a matter of just a few months, Celebrity announced a rather strange affiliation with Cirque de Soleil, Horizon's exit, Century's move to Europe, Summit's impending move to the Far East and the line's non-presence in the Caribbean between May and October. In addition, there's been a marked increase in "brochure" prices which are apparently the only prices now that the no-discount policy in is effect, and many new and somewhat exotic (not to mention, rather costly) pre- and post-cruise 'expeditions' have been introduced.

What exactly is going on at corporate headquarters in Miami, and in what direction do you see the line heading in the future? Are we watching the cruise product so many of us have come to know and love become a thing of the past?

I'd really appreciate some honest feedback. Thanks.


I to am concerend about the changes at Celebrity. I find it very syrange that there are no ships in the carribean all summer. The Century is our favorite and we could go on her 12 mos. out of the year if we wanted. Now that will be gone and they have no altternative. I wonder what they are thinking?I am not concerend about the Horizon it was time for that ship to go.I hope we get some good input!


Just what happens with the changing times I guess. RCL has lots of ships around and I think they are trying to distance the products a little and justify the price increases. Time will tell if they will hold us long timers. I got official notification that I can flop over to my RCL club, whatever its called and travel and reap the same benefits as X. Pesonally I don't need a circus from Quebec or any of the other costly items. Just the great ships , solid onboard service and grub. But what do I know...... everything that I like has been taken off the market sooner or later and I guess I'm just geting used to the fact that I'm old school....likely I don't spend enough money or travel often enough either for them. lol.


We just completed our first cruise on X, the Mercury and we couldn't be happier with the quality and service. We sailed for 11 nights for 68 each incl port and taxes. A quick look at some on line cruise sites show that similar deals are available on the Mercury in the next 60-90 days.

We booked 2 future cruises on the Summit last summer , before the price increases, even though we did not know at that time if we would like X. Both of these oceanview cabins sailing to Alaska and Hawaii respectively, cost us less than 100 p/p per day(all tax in).

Given the fact that many of the other mainstream lines have hiked their prices in the past 6 months ( Carnival, HAL, NCL etc) with some following the no advertised discounting policy of Celebrity, I still that Celebrity has the best product in this price range (80-125 a day p/p) I have experienced 7 cruise lines at this time so I have some experience to draw upon.

Not sure what all the fuss is about not having a ship in the Caribbean during the summer. I can't imagine going there at anytime other than the winter, far too hot!! So many other great places to explore in summer, like Alaska and Can/NE and yes Europe too. They are sending the ships where they can charge the most, purely economics. When that changes, they will be back in the Caribbean in the summer.

Inevitably the economy will continue to be cyclical and in time pricing will once again fall , and then go up once again as supply and demand changes. We are experiencing a huge interest in cruising and the lines are capitalizing. There will be a time again when they will have to discount to fill ships. Most of us will still be here to reap the benefits. In the meantime I will go inside/Oceanview instead of Verandah, so I can continue to cruise 2-3 times a year.


I think the standard Celebrity passenger, especially long time loyal past cruisers, are looking for new and exciting things. I for one don't care that they don't position ships in the Caribbean during the summer, too many other ships there. I don't want to pay a premium price for a premium cruise line to end up with six other ships in port at some tiny little island. The Caribbean (at least for us) is spent. Its kind of like a been there don that type of thing. You can only go there so many times beofre you get tired of it. We love the Xpeditions & have an 11 night Galapagos cruise planned for April. Expensive? Yes, but we feel it is worth it for the whole experience. I believe that Celebrity is taking a step in the right direction with the new changes. Celebrity is a line with very loyal past passengers who are looking for new and exciting things, not the same old, same old. We love the changes, it is what sets Celebrity apart from other premium lines.


From what I understand the reason for the change is monetary.The euro is much higher than the dollar and they felt theycan make a killing for the few months that they are in Eeurope.I think that will change once the exchange rate settles out somewhat.. I wish that they would stay for the Summer with at least one ship but bussiness is bussiness.Just MHO.


Welove 2cruise,

DH and I also picked up the Galapagos brochure on the Mercury last week. We are very excited and hope to go in the next 24-36 months. Currently booked until March 06, but then we will see.


This is the one time we booked early. typically we book a cruise within 30 days of sailing, but we thought one like this we needed to book early. We go soon for immunizations (not required, just suggested by our physician). Not looking forward to that at all.


We were immunized when we went to the Amazon on a cruise in 2003. Not pleasant , but better to be safe than sick.


Dear Cruise Addicts Members:

Is Celebrity Changing Too Much?

No, it is changing for the better!

If you are looking for standardized 7 day cruises with mass produced food, increasing % of loud out of control adults and kids, large group bookings with obnoxious individuals, no conduct or decorum standards, "informal" dress codes, then you will be disappointed with the Celebrity of the future.

There is always Carnival, RCL, NCL, Princess, Costa who can provide this type of cruise experience.

It is possible that Celebrity has finally ACCEPTED that they alienated their classy, traditional core customers of the past who supported Celebrity from 1989 to 2001. These people (like myself) were abandoned in the "rush to the bottom" in response to declining bookings post 9/11and the unfortunate trend towards "doing your own thing" and "informality" disguised as a "customized" experience.

Celebrity is likely to have also ACCEPTED - the demographics of the cash and time rich passenger of the future - ie the increasing % of aging baby boomers who have never cruised. If you look at this demographic group - they have $ to burn and spend heavily on upgrading their homes, demanding the best health care. These individuals do NOT want the typical 7 day cruise with so-so food, canned music at the pool and they will not tolerate the increasing % of "riff raff" that seems to have taken over most cruise ships.

Conversely, the "family" segment is in a demographic "free fall" - the "kid" focus is simply, well, passe.

For example, HAL seems not to have figured this out as they are desperately trying to woo the "family" market while alienating their core passenger, which is the demographic growth segment.

So.... this could be one (but not necessarily the only reason) why Celebrity is gone from the "family" caribbean summer vacation scene. They have targeted their future demographic market and they have positioned themselves to sell to the aging "baby boomers":

* Provide more exotic venues
* Provide better food and service
* Provide more intellectual and unique entertainment - ie CdSoliel

I am very happy about Celebrity moving back to the premium line they used to be!

Happy Cruising


I disagree with you regarding the point that Celebrity needs to leave the Carribean to maintain it's premium status. I and many others I know are willing to pay more for the premium experience. In many cases it's not the port's of call we are interested in,we just enjoy cruising.Celebrity is our favorite line and will continue to be so, we will just cruise less often if they are not available.The bottom line is that the Euro is so strong against the dollar that it is all about business.After all that is why Celebrity is here isn't it ?


On the cruisemates site--under photo galleries under "Cruise" there are pics of the CDS nightclub on Connie-It really looks bad! Lots of drapey curtains/rags hanging over what looks like small beds....We are already booked in March 06 on Summit to hawaii & are thinking of a cruise after that on Connie--but this is really ugly stuff--how bizarre it all is! Does anyone know of any plans to do this to Infinity or Millenium or will they be spared? We have to date preferred Celeb so will be forced to sail with CDS as long as it lasts!


We just returned from the Century yesterday, 4/30/05. I am sorry to say that the common area such as the boulavard, rondevouz lounge and crystal longe were all very rough. The furniture is all very over used. The cushions all are saggy and just not apealing. i will say it was very clean just very very worn. We were surprised how badly since we sailed her last year.It will be 2006 before dry dock. I think there will be a lot of disapointed passengers before she is refurbished. The service was excellent as usual. We will contiue with Celebrity, but do the newer ships in the future.Its a shame since Century has been our favorite for several years now.