Hi Hawk - I think you will find that I have a very different opinion on this subject than Don. Although I do acknowledge that most cruiselines do have a policy of not bringing alcohol on board, I believe that it is very selective and self-indulgent on thier part. I mean, they will let you bring wine on board, but they "confiscate" it and charge you a $10 uncorking fee in the dining room. Sorry, but I could keep my wine in my bag and uncork it myself with my thrift store travel cork screw. So let's say I don't drink wine, but want to bring a pint of something else. Do they "confiscate" it and charge me a $10 unscrewing of the cap charge in the dining room? No they just say it is not allowed. And why is that? Because they make a huge profit on bar drinks. We all know this. And to me the real insult is that they sell bottles of liquor on the ship. They will happily let you buy it by the gallon, but you can't have it until you leave the ship. I would even consider not bringing my own on board, if I was allowed to purchase a bottle on board at a descent price and consume it at my leisure. Sounds like a win win situation to me. They make their money and we enjoy our cruise. Like you said, we are all grown ups here. And if they are worried about you getting hammered if you have an unlimited source of alcohol at your disposal, then they haven't been at the pool bar at happy hour. This policy is all about the $. And in my opinion, they get plenty of mine as it is. Our ship account is always around $1000 when you add everything up, so they aren't hurting.
So I would say, do what you are used to doing. Pack your bottle, although I have always put mine in my checked luggage as to not have to put it on the belt. I have never had a problem. And the worst they can do is take it away, and you don't have to feel bad if that happens. Just say, you have been on 25 cruises and it was never an issue. And add that you will remember that it is an issue with NCL upon booking future cruises. Oh and for an option for your dark liquors, I think canada dry ginger ale has a dark green bottle. Have a great trip and remember above all to enjoy yourselves!