Is it better to have Celebrity convert my currency?



I have printed my Xpress Pass for my Alaskan sailing on Celebrity Infinity out of Seattle. On the paper there is two choices. One is to have Celebrity to convert my currency on the onboard charges. The other is to have my AMEX credit card convert my currency. Which is better that i won't get ripped off?

Thanks in advance,



Generally speaking your card (bank) will give you the best rate. But that depends on your card..... and what =X= is giving for a rate at the time of your cruise.
X is notorious for doing the rate change themselves regardless of what you put in there for them to do when you check in. I myself have only been done once by them and it really was not a "Rip Off" because the rate was not all that much different at the time. The way our $ has gone lately you might want to check with them (by phone or your TA) the week before you leave and make the decision. If you really want to make sure that they are doing as you ask you MUST check at Guest Relations onboard and make them confirm what they are doing on your account. Do this the 2nd day out no later.

Unless you are planning on doing a lot of purchasing, tours, Specialty restaurants & coffee's, etc. on a 7 dayer you should not be ripped off too much. lol. Watch your bar bill ?? !!
This is one of those little things that always makes us =X= fans shake our heads. There is something that happens in their checkin system (or doesn't happen) that fouls this up frequently. I know a lot of non USA people that have written to them about this including myself and they always say they will never do it again... but they do. They do however always "Fix" the amount difference if you ask them after the cruise. Keep a copy of the form so you can mail it to them if need be.

so there you go.... too much info ??
Just another thing not to get overworked up about actually :angel.


Social Host
I being from Canada I always pay my bill (booze and Ships excursions)on the last day .
I pay in American Cash . because if you pay by Credit Card. It will cost alot more.
the Credit Cards companys charge a service charge plus a convertion rate.


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Earl that's for sure the least expensive way...... but
man I couldn't carry that much cash ;)