Is the safe --safe?


cruzin sisters

I have read in various places that some folks have been robbed out of their secure safe which was activated with their C.C. Is this just hot air or has anyone had money or valuables taken out of the safe while they have cruised?=COOL:?

Conquest 05
Glory 06

Valor 11/06
Holiday 02/07
Liberty 11/07


I've never heard of anyone having anything missing from their safe! The purser is the only person other than yourself who can open the safe.

I don't believe you're suppose to use your credit card (guess that's what you mean), because the 'strip' could become deactivated. Not suppose to use your Sail & Sign card, either.

You should use another type card, like library card, grocery card, etc.


Always use the safe, always use a credit card, never had anything go missing.


Always use the safe...I don't use my sail and sign card not sure how safe it is...I use a credit card from an account we closed. Never had anything taken from the safe by someone other than myself.


If you have two credit cards with the same number, or two any type of card with a magnetic strip and the same numbers I suggest you use those. Four the last four years I have been using the same old BestBuy card with the same number. That way my DW and I can each have one in case we go back to the cabin separately. We have never had an issue with them. That way if lets say I loose one we still have the other one.

We have also never had an issue using the safe as well. We leave our passports, camera’s, jewelry that my DW brings and WILL buy. Wallets anything of value.



Never had a problem with a safe on any cruise ship. I like Princess safe's the best because you have a 10-button key pad and you punch in a 4-digit code. Don't need a credit or anyother type of card to close/open. Usually just use an ATM pin #.


[quote Snowblower] I like Princess safe's the best because you have a 10-button key pad and you punch in a 4-digit code. Don't need a credit or anyother type of card to close/open.[/quote]

I like those keypunch safes better. Carnival at one time used that type safe exclusively. On the Carnival Holiday, they still use that system. Much easier to me to use my own 4-number 'code' than to have to use a card. Alas, all the newer ships use a card.


I just want to throw a wing nut in here. On the Conquest our only credit card was accessed and used to purchase items in south america. now this was the only cruise we used our sail and sign card to lock the safe. In fairness, can I say 100% it occured because of this.... NOPE, we used it for purchases in new orleans pre cruise.

But our S&S card locked the credit card... if it wasn't the steward then it was a seedy merchant on the river walk, neither I can prove... just be careful. The other times we used the credit card to lock and 4 cruises have not found an issue. Just something to ponder.... I have no proof. Just reinforces the "be safe" attitude, that you tend to forget once on the "safety" of the ship.