Cannonball, I was there on the Ocean Princess a couple of years ago, or maybe a little less. I would take a ships tour there. Some people don't like it, some think it's ok. To each his own. It is a very big island . Some parts are dry, scrubby, etc. Some parts more tropical.
We took a ships tour which we thought was ok. Princess has them listed. Pick one out that interests you and go for it.
Sounds like "hooked" got hooked on "saving " a few bucks by doing his own thing.
( A 65 chevy with no a/c) oh well.
The tour we were on had a very knowledgeable guide, was a nice a/c bus.
I can't imagine traveling to see things , places and people I can't see at home, then complaining because it wasn't perfect. I have been on some tours I liked better than others, but that's all part of it.
Don't go there and stay on the ship. Get out and see something. If you like it, great. If not, then you will have had the experience anyway, right?
Happy sails.