Morning, Kathy! Sure enough, I sent an email to Bob yesterday and when I came home today, I was registered and ready to post. Thanks Bob!
Seems that Andy doesn't always "get the message," huh? Still wondering about dinner seating...hope I'm at an "adults only" table! If you see I'm not and you are, would one of you please rescue me????
I changed my cabin on the Mariner next year to a dead-center hump cabin #8620. I would have loved the Junior Suite but it was way too much for just me and none of my kids can sail at that time with me. I am, though, thrilled with the cabin I've selected, and even though it can hold 2, I'm perfectly fine with enjoying my first solo cruise!
Some Carnival rep has been burning up my phone wires trying to get me to sail with them. But after checking their prices, there's not much difference for my Oct. 2008 cruise, and besides staying with RCCL suits me just'll give me one more cruise toward my Diamond status.
Hello, Kate and Martha! Hope you two are doing okay.
I'll check in here as frequently as I can, Kathy, to keep up with the news and to keep you informed...