Just a quick question


Pool Attendant
hello everybody,
i should know this already.....leaving on the grand Princess on friday...so does the grand princess have the Ultimate Tour of the ship ??????..It would be great for a Sea day. Thanks in advance


Staff Captain
I'm so glad I was able to get a tour of the bridge before they started charging. While it was a great experience and one DH and I will always remember fondly I wouldn't want to pay $150 a person for it.


Staff Captain
Four people responded to the OP, and not a single person answered the OP's question. The OP posted on Monday, and apparently is boarding the ship tomorrow without ever receiving an answer.


Bar Steward
I leave on the NEXT Grand Princess tourn---two weeks from today and counting, so I'd also be interested in knowing the answer, although I doubt I'd do the $150/person for it.