just booked!!! on Noordam


Forever Remembered
Welcome to Cruise @ddicts!

Congratulations on your Noordam booking, and congratulations for your 10th Wedding Anniversary. May you enjoy many more. :clap:

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Welcome to Cruise @ddicts!!

You are going to love the Noordam -- she is a lovely ship.

What itinerary will you be doing.


Environmental Compliance Officer
Welcome to Cruise @ddicts. Pull up a deck chair and sit and chat with us.

We sailed the Noordam out of New York over New Years 2007. She's a beautiful ship! :doubleup: :doubleup:


Deck Crew
Thanks for all the welcomes!
We are leaving out of Rome then to Monte Carlo, Barcelona, Palma, Tunis, Sicily, Naples and back to Rome..
This is our 3rd cruise, both other times we went to Bermuda once on Nordic Empress on RCCL and then on the zenith on Celebrity...

can not wait!!



Staff Captain
Noordam is a gorgeous ship with a wonderful crew.
You've chosen a great ship with a fabulous itinerary and are sure to make many happy memories on your cruise.

Congratulations on your Anniversary.... hope you have great cruise.