Just checking in...



Hello extended family,, I have been away for a while, work has been soooo busy, and with the holidays coming I have had not time to get on the computer for anyhting other than Ebay, becuase I refuse to get into the holiday traffic this year... :)

However I got wonderful news this week from my incredible bosses :)

There are certain goals we are expected to meet , as a perk, or bonus, Sonia and I have been told that shoud we exceed the mark, a free 4 day cruise will be our reward,,,,, so any of you out there in NJ that need life insurance or financial advisement by all means help send me to the caribbean and give me a call :) LOL

Other than that If i dont see you all soon here on the bards, Hve a Happy Thanksgiving, and Im sure Ill see you before christmas :)

love always, Melissa


Hey there!!! Good luck with the contest...I can't help since I'm in Arizona! :)

Have a happy holiday season!!


ooo can I come work for you...lol I'd do anything at all for a free cruise.

Make sure its not one of those freebies from Miami to Freeport. lol total cost will be 150 bucks pp for 4 days.


Good you're checking in. Good to hear from you. I haven't been around much either. Starting to "cruise" the website once more as the fevor is starting to come up again. Not been seeing much of the "old school" on the message boards lately. Perhaps they've had their cruise and are awaiting thier next booking. The big storm knocked our cruise in the dirt last August. (We were scheduled for mid-Sept ). The house has been repaired with the new roof and everything, as we didn't get any water, but the 160+ winds.

Hope the best for you on your competition for the cruise. You might want to add a little extra to their offering and make it a seven day one. (Just a thought). We've made a 3-day out of New Orleans and it was a nice weekend get-away.

High to everyone else, Serene and Lizardstew!


My boss is leaving on the LIberty today :)

Wish we cold make it a 7 day but now that Sonia and I are in the Same office again, both of us cant be gone for 7 days,,, but hey a 4day cruise for free !!!! Ill work my butt off for that one :) we have already decided to do key west and cozumel, since she has never been, hopefully cozumel will be rebuilt by the time we go :)