Kelly method ?



I have a guarantee booked for the Sensation in July. I tried to use the Kelly method to determine our room but the Carnival site says I can not try to order something with a quarantee cabin. What am I doing wrong??? Maybe I do not understand the Kelly method. Thanks!


Maybe your room has not been assigned yet? Maybe that is a good thing meaning that there is the possibility of an upgrade (although not for sure...but maybe.)


What I have read on several posts is that Carnival became aware of the Kelly Method
and this is the message you get now, unless you know the actual cabin number.


What I have read on several posts is that Carnival became aware of the Kelly Method
and this is the message you get now, unless you know the actual cabin number.


I have read posts as well saying that the kelly method does not work anymore...but then I have read a couple of posts that say they do...however, your not close enough to your sail date for it to work anyway..must be 2-3 weeks prior to sailing.....keep trying!

Sara Lee


Just you have to be willing to work hard.....
YOu have to start with every cabin number starting with the rivera deck and put in the room number and your name .. If it says you are not in that room you arent .. so keep going up the deck.... We could all help YOU ???????

Anyone game to sit and punch in numbers.. ?


Thanks everyone! Sara Lee, I don't mind going through the book but when I try to buy something it asks for booking number and cabin number. Or am I at the wrong site? I am using the gifts and services site as if I wanted to order something. Thanks to others for letting me know that Carnival may be on to it. I'll wait till we're closer and try again!

Sara Lee

YES.. SO when it says buy something punch in like R30 and your name and if it says you are not in that cabin , get rid of that number , try another one ... you dont have to buy anything

like R32 and your name .. keep going ..

Sara Lee


The Kelly method to find your cabin or even if you know your cabin and want to make sure you are in your assigned cabin and its nice to just look at your name and your cabin while you are waiting for even your documents , knowing your name is indeed apon the ship and they are awaiting your arrival

On carnival you can go onto the gifts and services menu and it shows you different items to give to someone or even yourself put you dont have to purchase the item unless you give a credit card number

You simply put in your basket , if you are aware of online shopping one item such as a chocolate carnival ship to be in your room or another quest room ..

you have to know the name and cabin of the quest ....

but for yourself if you have a guareentee cabin to check to see if they still have you in it

just put in your booking number .. you must have the booking number

and the room number.....and it will come up with the name of the people in that cabin ..

If it is YOU that is your cabin , then simply say cancel order .. and know you are in that cabin ..

if you are quareenteed a cabin you go in and put in your booking number .. YOu may have to try a lot of cabins .... as you dont know which one you are in ... so thats the hard part .. start at rivera deck and the closer you get to your sailing date , the better off you are to know what cabin you are in .. as the ship fills up ..

thats all I know .. WHO IS KELLY . someone who found this out from someone else but she is the last person I suppose that wrote it so it is called the Kelly method .

If you have another type of METHOD to find out your cabin in a quareeteed cabin and you can find it ..


BRAINSTORMING IS ALLOWED to help us find out anything we can before sailing .. it gives us something to do


Hi all - I am Kelly. From what I have heard, I think Carnival is onto it - which is why the new message about not being able to order if you are a guarantee. You do not have to be 2-3 weeks from your sailing for it to work. If it was working still, you could do it much farther ahead of time. There were people who found their cabins months before their sailing date.

And just for the record, I did NOT find this out from someone else. It isn't really a big deal, but I have to say this.

Here's how it all started: I just had read on the boards about Carnival temporarily assigning everyone a cabin, including guarantees, which made sense - that they had to put you somewhere and that's how upgrades happen - they stick you somewhere and when someone else books and a category is full they bump you up. I was checking out drink coupons on the Gifts & Services area on Carnival and thought I'd give a try to see if a number was plugged in where I was temporarily assigned. Since we had 4 in our cabin, I started with the actual quad rooms, and I got lucky and found it within something like 10 minutes or so. If I hadn't found it when I did, I probably would've given up and dismissed the idea as not being workable. It was just pure luck that I found it so quickly. So, I decided to post the idea so others could give it a try. I like fun ways to pass time like that. Other people started trying it and one of the other posters just started calling it the Kelly Method, and it stuck. I am not looking for any kind of glory, I was just trying to share what I had found, so it kind of makes me mad when people start saying negative things about me like I heard it from someone else and stole the idea as my own. That's just stupid - if I knew someone else had posted that, why would I have bothered in the first place. And, come to find out later, that person who "posted it first", if you look at their post, it's not quite the same thing and lacks many details.

And Sara: You really should find out what you are talking about before you go on like an expert - you came to the "other board" way after all of this happened, so I am having trouble figuring out how you are so "knowledgeable".

If this is how people react to others trying to help

Sara Lee

If you are Kelly indeed I congraduate you about your method but it was a bit of humor and I dont really know if you invented it or not .. if you did , well congradulations but you really dont know anything about me at all ...

and as for the coming on the other board.. I came on there to get some information for my cruise on carnival ... I had sailed before but not on carnival and as far as helping someone including YOU
I would go the extra mile ..

but remember the motto of this board



so therefore to be nice .. to congradulate you again and lovely lovely sailing to you and yours in all your future cruises and if you need to KNOW ANYTHING .. Ill try and if I dont know I will YELL HELP And someone here who DOES KNOW WILL COME TO THE AID of whoever needs it .

Thank you .. have a nice day


I am in complete and total agreeance with you about not saying anything if you can't say something nice. You can research all posts I have on any board and will not find any nasty posts. I just felt like explaining myself after YOU said something in your post that I felt was negative towards me:

"...WHO IS KELLY . someone who found this out from someone else but she is the last person I suppose that wrote it so it is called the Kelly method... If you have another type of METHOD to find out your cabin in a quareeteed cabin and you can find it ..JUST TELL EVERYONE AND YOU COULD HAVE A METHOD NAMED AFTER YOU"

We went through this debate on another board and it was not pleasant to be accused of "stealing" someone else's idea, as that's not the kind of person I am, and some people were quite hateful about it. If you did not mean it that way, I apologize for reacting the way I did. And if you did mean it that way, I hope you can understand my point of view bettter now.


And the debate goes on.....does it really matter ......their is someone else on the other board claiming that it was his idea and he posted it first....maybe he did and maybe he didn' far as when the method worked I can attest that I tried many months inadvance and got nothing until approx 3 weeks before sailing as well did my parents cabin....some people were fortunate in finding it months in advance but if you read some of the posts the majority didn't find it until much closer to sailing...

And for the record, I think Sara was just trying to help.

Sara Lee

THank you . I was only trying to help and I appreciate you and indeed if this is the REAL KELLY WHO INVENTED THE KELLY METHOD AND IS GETTING A RAW DEAL because someone else took the credit ... That is what I READ over on the other board...

And if indeed Kelly you did invent this method you could be a GReAT ATTRIBUTE HERE AT THIS BOARD.

as a matter of fact.. do you have any ideas on how to find out your cabin on RCCL even if you are booked to just see your name in lights .. MIne I mean to see my name in the cabin IM booked in... I just like to go see my name on the ship..

But no harm intended for sure and you are very welcome here by everyone here .. its a great group of people ..

Thanks LUV2 and that waggin dog.. I love that dog


Thanks Sara - and I am sorry for misreading your post and overreacting.

There are a lot of nice people on this board and I look forward to getting to know more of you better.

Sorry though, no ideas about RCCL - I have never even been to their website.

Sara Lee

I can find like a gift service at RCCL but nothing else .. like you have to call to order something.. now about your method on carnival
I used it for my last two cruises on carnival but I did have my booking number and cabin number.... and it came up with both our names listed under that cabin and that was about a month before the sail date... I would think it still works that you must have to put in some time to do it .... yes it is nice here .. Go on and go over to the community board and introduce yourself.. There you can talk about anything you like or even here but I think everyone reads over there.... it is interesting .. this board has a weather guy charles and gif people and prayer people and all kinds of nice people .. nice to know you ..