She got up once to go to bathroom,then I tucked her back her,she misses the feeling of her butt more than her legs,her left leg has more tingling today so hope that is a good sign,with the percocet and ibuprofen she is just out,left her for awhile to get some groceries,I walked the dogs and let them out,left her with phone,book and liquids,she isnt hungry,but then she is sound asleep,back doctor wasnt open today,going to try for Monday as I have day off but I dont think I could of got her there today as she really cant walk at all.Shes a lot less scared but very quiet which for her is not her so I worry too,hopefully sleep is the best thing for her.She says to thank you for all the posts,I read them to her,she knows they helped with the outcome.I worry about the pain she is in but she seems to be handling it by sleeping,will let you know how things progress. John