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I hope your tongue was firmly in your cheek.

Most places on the main UK / US cruise ship routes will speak English but it's always worth learning even a few basic phrases in their language. Even if you can't get to grips with the grammar, if you make an effort with simple requests such as "two coffees please" the locals will really appreciate it. Nine times out of ten they'll answer in English anyway. If you want to really impress them, finid out what the language of the ordinary people (rather than the state government) is; in some bars in Barcelona for example they really warm to you if you try to speak some Catalan to them. Always say thanks in their language when you leave; last impressions are nearly as important as first.

I've never used an electronic translator but a pocket sized guide / phrase book is priceless. You can even cheat and hide round the corner while learning the local language for whatever you want to ask for before you go into the shop. Make sure you can say "I'm sorry, I don't speak much (whatever language it is)" in case they say somethin you can't understand.
