late May or late July????



We're planning an Alaskan cruise in 2005-our first ever cruise, for our ten year wedding annivesary.
Is it best to go the last week of May or around the third week of July??
Any input is WELCOME!!!!


May is considered one of the dry months in Alask and July one of the high rain months but keep in mind you are traveling to some rain forests so you may see rain. July will be more active with bears and salmon if that is what you want to see. May is great for seeing waterfalls. Both months will have whales but July will be more peak whale season. May can have some cold and warm weather July may be a little more regular on the weather, but again weather can change in Alaska anytime.

I have gone to Alaska in May and June several times and I personally enjoy the end of May first part of June compared to other times but that is my preference.


You will end up paying a lot more for July as this is the prime cruising time for alaska - i did it in May a few years ago and it was sunny and warm for the entire week yet another year some friends had rain just about every day .

There should still be snow on the higher peaks as you cruise up the Inside Passage in May - this adds to the already great scenery.

Hope this helps



I thought you were me when I read your post. First time cruiser, going to Alaska in June of 2005 (we have to wait till the kids are of school so May is not an option). I had also heard that the snow still on the mountains is nice, so I changed from August to June hoping to see some snow covered peaks. I just booked today!!! Now I only have 366 days to wait. Yes, we leave one year from tomorrow. Good luck on your decision, but I'm sure your trip will be wonderful no matter which one you pick.


Just back. JUNE 13th......... 3 rainy cold days.2 cloudy and cool, 1 really really nice sunny day and one I can't remember. Too busy


May for me we went in the Middle of May had rain 1 day in Sitka the rest of the week was great 60 - 70. There was lots of snow in the mountians yet.


What ship are you going on in June, 2005. We are also booked in June, 2005 on the Vision of the Seas southbound from Seward to Vancouver. Southbound is the best cause the scenery out of Seward is so beautiful.


Late May -
Lower prices
Lot less kids
Snow peaks

As to Southbound being better due to scenery? Wouldn't you see the same southbound as northbound, but just in a different order?

By the way, some cruise ships now use Whittier vs. Seward for the northern port.


Yes, you may see the same scenery it is just if you are doing any land portion I highly recommend doing it first then getting on the ship in either Seward or Whittier and crusing southbound. When doing the land portion either on your own or through the cruise line you change hotels every night or every other night and you do a lot of running around. So, it is very nice to get all the travelling around done and then get on the ship and just unpack once for 7 days. It is like you take a deep breath and can relax now.

Someone gave us this tip to do land first and then cruise southbound. We were really glad that we did after spending 8 nights touring around Denali National Park, Talkeetna, Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula.

Our cruise started 5/26/01 and we were a little disappointed that it was still so dry from Anchorage to Denali. We can't travel in July due to my husband's business so if you can go in June or July I hear that it is greener.


Depends on if you want to go fishing or not. Better fishing time will be in July. Believe me. Went the first week of June and didn't catch nothing.

Colo Cruiser

The weather is always a crap shoot in Alaska. We went in late July early August and experienced snow and rain up north. When ever you go take proper clothing.


definitely go in May. I have seen days in May when the temperatures were in the 80's. It starts getting into the rainier season around the 4th of July.


We are going with the sexy six out of Dfw on the saphire princess. I can't wait, this will be the second cruise with this group. The last time we were the crazy 8, but this time the children stay home. Yea.
This will be my husband's and my 4th cruise, and the first on princess.