Late Traditional Diners take NOTE!!!


Staff Captain
Late Traditional Dining on Celebrity is at 8:45 PM. As much as we like Late Traditional the 8:45 PM seating is even beyond our extremes so we are thinking of looking into Select Dining. We are thinking of looking into a 7:00 - 7:30 PM slot if possible. What we need to know is who else with the Late Traditional Dining might be interested in switching to the Select Dining Option??? Please post here and also respond to the email we sent to all of you and let US know if U are interested. :clap:
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red stripe

Staff Captain
Thanks Jack,
we sent out two emails to everyone asking for information on this and other things. If you have not received it, please let me know so I can try again.


Environmental Compliance Officer
Ed and I will go for the 7, 7:30 also,,, :)


Staff Captain
Ok the deed has been done and the 8 Late Diners are linked and set for Select Dining. Notice I have NOT given U a time for dining and that is for GOOD reason. I just spent 30 mins on the phone with Select Dining reservations and a VERY kind lady. :clap:

She was quite helpful and made sure that the 8 of Us (E & red, Fla Jack & Honey, Ed & Cyndi, and EMS8 (Mike & Linda) are linked for a Table for 8 at Select Dining. However once we get onboard we will need to go see the Maitre'D to assign a time to dine. :spyglass:

With Individual Select Dining U can go in and make a reservation prior to boarding. However with a linked Group U have to see the Head Honcho once onboard to set a reservation time. So we will head off as we do MOST of the time to see the Maitre'D and put our request in for the Table of 8. :bbat:

While I would certainly like to have the dining time inhand prior to boarding I guess I figure the time we get has to be better than 8:45 PM. :cool: Heck I LIKE Late Traditionla Dining but even I might fall asleep prior to finishing the meal at this time. :whistle: And the answer is YES if U think that Celebrity is receiving a LOT of flack about this setup. :hammer:

I guess I remember when Princess first put in place Anytime Dining and the growing pains they went thru. I would suspect Celebrity is going to go thru a bit of the same but I expect they too will get it ironed out. :no: This good news is we WILL ALL be on a Gr8 ship and if the food is half as good as what we just experienced on the Century then this will ALL be a Moot Point. :boogie:

red stripe

Staff Captain
This is good news.. as I did not want to push away from a table at 11pm.

Going to see about dining on the first day is something we have done many times before.. usually just to confirm that our group is together.

This is why we ask for certain info from you.. as armed with your real names and cabin numbers.. we will face the
Maitre'D with our request for a table between 7 and 8 hopefully.

Lets face it.. if we end up with a table at 8.15.. we are still ahead of the game.
Thanks Einstein for doing this


2nd Officer
One quick question E. Will the dining time be the same for the entire cruise or do you have to book the dining time each day?


Staff Captain
One quick question E. Will the dining time be the same for the entire cruise or do you have to book the dining time each day?

Good question indeed. I would think there is some flexibility but with a Table of 8 I would bet the Maitre'd is going to try and persuade us into a set time for the entire cruise. I am also going under the presumption that this dining option will work similar to the other anytime dining options that we have experienced with HAL & Princess. If it does then it seems to work best with a set time for the entire cruise.

This question is one we can pose our 1st Day onboard when we meet up with the Maitre'D and see what his thoughts are about it. :boogie: From the standpoint of ease it may be best in out BEST interest to get a set time for the entire cruise. :shrug:

red stripe

Staff Captain
That is my understanding of the way it works.
Once we settle on a time that is available, we can be locked in for the whole cruise. Anything else is just confusing.


Dance Instructor
I am all for a fixed time at the same table every night--BUT reserve the right to switch tables based on the service. Jack

red stripe

Staff Captain
jack, that is always our option. Fortunately the need to do that has only happened to us once in many cruises.