


Getting closer and I'm getting excited!
Anyway...I've heard SOMEHWERE that the regal has free laundry facilities.. is this true?
Also do they have a ship's laundry discount day like they do on carnival?

Thanks again for your help!


Yes, the Regal has passenger laundry facilities, but they are not free. They are located on several decks.

No, there is no laundry discount day.


My tips:

1. Only take 4 days of clothes and take advantage of the washers and dryers available to finish the cruise out with the same clothes, there will always be time to do this when laying out at the pools on day.

2. Do not iron any clothes in advance to your trip as the laundry rooms have irons and iron boards.

3. Dry clean your formal wear on the ship.

These tips will save time and also luggage space.


Cheryl is absolutley right, on my 7 day grand cruise i did laundry twice, i barely packed anyhting my DH and i went with 2 , 22' carryons for a 7 day cruise, it was wonderful, no chance of lost luggage, and the washing machines and dryers are fast and cheap, 2.00 for washer and i believe 2.00 for dryer i took 10.00 in a roll of quarters for that purpose, and believe it or not we were still over packed.

Sea Turtle

I don't mind doing laundry on a cruise that is longer than 7 days. I also have any dry cleaning done on the ship instead of having it done at home in advance and having to pack it and deal with wrinkles later on. I just separate those dry cleaning items from my 'clean' clothes when packing and then turn them over to the cabin steward as soon as I unpack on the ship. And, I agree 100% with Cheryl about ironing. I wait until I'm on ship to do any of that.

And, no need to get a roll of quarters in advance and weigh down your purse. Just take a visit to the casino for all your quarter needs! ;)

I've met some interesting people in the laundry room on Princess. So it's never felt like wasted time for me.

I may even try mlzangel's methods for my next 7-day cruise!! Thanks to all for the info.


Sea turtle, and everyone else...

In my 22 inch carryon, i fit 2 pair of dress shoes, snorkel gear, bottle of champagne, 2 pairs of black dress pants 3 shirts,( i mixed and matched jewlery to make the outfits different) 2 formal night dresses, make up, toiletries, 3 swim suits to wraps, 2 pairs of shorts, and 2 shirts. socks, and ofcourse underwear. It was very nice to unpack as soon as we got to them room, and not have to wait until after dinner to do so. I like to carry on my bags after hearing horror stories of people not getting their luggage... my Dh had pre ordered a tux, so no need to pack that , and dress shoes, and we were unpacked on the lido deck , and enjoying our cruise with no apprehension, also with the 22 inch carry ons, we can put them in over head on the plane, NO CHANCE OF LOST LUGGAGE ON MY VACA !!!! :)

Post Edited (03-02-04 06:58)


Watch out that someone does not terrorize others in the laundry room. On Sun Princess (Alaska) last summer a woman bullied people. She was downright obnoxious: she was doing the laundry of four adults in her party, cut ahead of me in line (I had gone to my room briefly to get another quarter), took over the only washer and dryer on the floor, left while machines were running instead of waiting to take clothes out, and THREATENED very nice ladies that if they put their clothes in she would take them out and put them on the floor. THERE IS A PHONE IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM: USE IT TO CALL for assistance if you get someone like this in your laundry room.