Leon update 6/16


Staff Captain
We finally managed to see the Opthamologist this afternoon about Leon's drooping eyelid(s). He will definitely require surgery to remove excess skin, but there's more. The doc is pretty sure that he has Myasthenia Gravis, so he ordered blood drawn for Acetylcholinesterase Antibody, which may or may not help. He also has to see a Neurologist to attempt to get a definitive diagnosis, so it's back to "hurry up and wait" mode. I'll let you know more when I get more information.


Staff Captain
I can certainly sympathize with you for the "hurry up & wait" mode you are in; been there, done that & it is not fun. Hope you get a real answer soon so treatment can start.


Staff Captain
Thoughts and prayers continue. I hope you and Leon get the official diagnosis soon so that you can progress to the next step. Hugs to you both.


Staff Captain
Jacquie, I'm sorry you are having to go thru a hard time with waiting and finding answers. Saying a prayer for you and Leon.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Always hate the "wait" periods.

Hopefully you won't have to wait too long.

Prayers for Leon and you.


Staff Captain
Sending cyber hugs, prayers and positive thoughts your way.


Trivia Specialist
I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...hoping that the wait will not be a long one and that you can move forward very soon!! Hugs!


Staff Captain
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Leon while you wait for diagnosis. Hope you get the answers soon and can begin treatment.



1st Officer - Navigation
Thinking of both of you and hoping that the news is better than you are expecting.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
I'm sorry Leon. Prayers that you both find the strength you need to deal with this. Any promising natural treatments? I remember Leon is into that.

Jill B

The roaming Aussie
Positive thoughts on the way from down here. It is very hard waiting for a diagnosis. Big hugs to you and Leon.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
All our best wishes on this. Glad to hear that the problem has been identified and that your course of action is being determined. We're looking forward to October when all this will be nothing more than a distant cloud in your wake ..... :doubleup:


Juquie- I was getting nervous not hearing anything--been thru the hurry up and wait and it is no fun. Seems the eyes are the afrea of concern for so many of us right now--Hugs Leon wish we were getting together soon.