Life is what happens to you while you make other plans



I'm just sitting here thinking about my own life and it's complicated detours and reading updates on our C@ buddies and all that is flooding into their lives right now. Just wanted to publicly acknowledge that we all came to C@ to surround ourselves with cruising soulmates and ended up with friends for life. To everyone who is going through traumatic life changes right now, I just wanted to remind you all to hang on tight to the hope that is deep in your hearts and remember that these unexpected 'Excursions' can make you stronger and help you to cherish those that God brings into your pathway. Hopefully we will all be cruising again soon! but in the mean time, God bless you all and give you peace and strength to make it through those long and lonely nights and to face that next sunrise with joy. And we'll all be here to share it with you. I love that phrase "Joy comes in the morning".

So make sure that you all strap on your bright orange life vests (that would be us, your support team), hang on for dear life, and we'll ride out this current storm together.

Hugs and prayers, Mariposa


You always have just the right thing to say at the right time,you are a very unselfish person and many warm wishes coming your way.


Thanks Korinalacount. My training is as a recreation therapist and I have worked in many medical facilities and helped folks work through the way that they cope with current life changing disabilities. Attitude is everything!!!! I guess my nature is to focus not on the problems, but how to work with the limitations and the abilities that we are now faced with and make life more bearable, even joyful. (notice how I say US, cuz now I'm a part of those who have had to make major changes in our own lifestyle) Since I am no longer working in any health care facility, you guys are now my stomping ground and hopefully you get even more out of my encouragement to others than I receive from you all. Like they say, 'bloom where you are planted' and I certainly am planted here. Just hope that I don't look like a 'bloomin idiot' at times. :daisy

Hugs, Mari


Mari, your little quote reminded me of when my Dad passed away. It will be 8 years on Friday. As we left the hospital early that morning my mother and I were remarking on how joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin. We left the hospital weeping but we knew there were others in the same hospital rejoicing in the birth of wee babies. It is true that without knowing both sides of the coin you know neither. I turned to Mom and said "There will be joy in the morning." There is!

...Weeping may endure for a night,

but Joy Comes in The Morning.

Psalm 30:5


Thanks for being our cheerleader. Often people have asked me if I mind having to use a wheelchair. My answer to them is better to use a wheelchair than nothing. It takes fewer muscles to smile than frown.



Hey, we're all bloomin' together! Thank you!
:daisy :daisy :daisy :daisy :daisy :daisy