I'm just sitting here thinking about my own life and it's complicated detours and reading updates on our C@ buddies and all that is flooding into their lives right now. Just wanted to publicly acknowledge that we all came to C@ to surround ourselves with cruising soulmates and ended up with friends for life. To everyone who is going through traumatic life changes right now, I just wanted to remind you all to hang on tight to the hope that is deep in your hearts and remember that these unexpected 'Excursions' can make you stronger and help you to cherish those that God brings into your pathway. Hopefully we will all be cruising again soon! but in the mean time, God bless you all and give you peace and strength to make it through those long and lonely nights and to face that next sunrise with joy. And we'll all be here to share it with you. I love that phrase "Joy comes in the morning".
So make sure that you all strap on your bright orange life vests (that would be us, your support team), hang on for dear life, and we'll ride out this current storm together.
Hugs and prayers, Mariposa
So make sure that you all strap on your bright orange life vests (that would be us, your support team), hang on for dear life, and we'll ride out this current storm together.
Hugs and prayers, Mariposa