Our last cruise on Enchantment was Christmas 2005, just after the stretch. During each cruise we buy on of the little ship models for a bit of whimsy and a nice keepsake. Unfortuantely, becuase of the recent strech, no models to be found. We have tried unsuccessfully to buy one from RCCL, Crown and anchor and other sources. Does anyone have a lead on getting a streched version of Enchantment? Or are you going on Enchanment and would be willing to buy one for us, which we would pay for and pay to have shipped back
coral (Europe) - Christmas 2007
Grandeur - Christmas 2006
Majesty - Summer 2006
Enchantment - Christmas 2005
Voyager - Christmas 2004
Zaandam - Christmas 2003
Norwegian Sea - Christmas 2002
Monarch - Christmas 2001
Color Festivale - Summer 2001
coral (Europe) - Christmas 2007
Grandeur - Christmas 2006
Majesty - Summer 2006
Enchantment - Christmas 2005
Voyager - Christmas 2004
Zaandam - Christmas 2003
Norwegian Sea - Christmas 2002
Monarch - Christmas 2001
Color Festivale - Summer 2001