Lotsa Poor Reviews Lately, Should I be Worried?



Hi, All!
I have cruised on CCL 4 times so far: Sensation in 2000, Elation in 2001, Victory in 2002 and the Spirit in 2003. We are set to sail on the Legend in February and on the Glory in April. We have always had a great time, loved the food, enjoyed the ports, had GREAT service and been on really nice ships, but I am starting to get a little concerned about what I have been reading in the review section these past few months. It seems more negative than positive. Has any one else noticed this or felt this way? I have sailed on CCL ships when they were relatively new so no complaints about wear and tear, stained carpet, toilets falling apart, bad smells or anything like that. Then again I have been reading negative stuff about the newer ships, too. Any thoughts? I'd really like to get opinions from the CCL lovers out there like me to get their take on it. Some of the reviews I have read have been from 1st time CCL cruisers and lots of complaints about the Western Caribbean Itinerary where they complain about Beliz and my opinion on that is they didn't understand what going to Belize was all about to begin with -- not a rich shopping country, but a poorer enconomy in a country of rich ancient history, ecology, etc. Thanks for your input!


You know........you can't please all the people.....all the time. I do not pay any attention to the negative reviews...... I figure those are the people that are going to find something wrong with anything....regardless. I've sailed Carnival 15 times......and I'm going again in 4 weeks.... I've sailed old ships, new ships, big and small......... and I don't notice if the carpet is stained here or there.......... or if my butt didn't get kissed by everyone on a daily basis.......... I just love to cruise and I've NEVER had a bad one.......

If my room steward doesn't come immediately to introduce him/herself.......I don't care. As long as I have ice and towels........... the rest is all OK..........

dont' worry about the negative reviews......... just go have a ball..........I always do.



We are sailing on the Glory in 4 1/2 weeks and I had started to get concerned after reading the reviews. You know what? Last year we cruised Disney and read the reviews, saw the negative comments and set sail anyway. We had a great time with no problems or complaints. Actually, they went out of their way to make sure you were happy and having a great time. I think I've decided that as Barb said you can't please everyone. Besides, what I find amusing is people are writing these reviews complaining about service, ship design, ports, etc. but yet they give it 4 stars out of 5. They couldn't have had such a horrible time to give it that many stars!! I say don't worry about it. Go on your trip expecting to have the time of your life.




We were on the Glory last month. I hope my review wasn't one that gave you the wrong impression. The ship is great! You'll have lots of fun. There were only a couple of weird little minor things that popped up (smells, smokers everywhere, and a oddly placed Golden dining room) Nothing but minor inconviences for us. We had a blast, and Loved Belize (but like you said you have to go there realizing that Belize IS a third world country...not expecting to find the same things as you would in richer areas.)
You can't go wrong and if you don't enjoy it...well it's your own fault. I hope I didn't steer you wrong (just wanted to be as complete as I could be)

From the Island of Tennessee

Cruisin Gal

I think Belize's claim to fame is that Harrison Ford's movie "Mosquito Coast" was filmed there.


I am sailing on the Paradise 11/2 and it will be my 6th cruise with CCL since 7/01. I have not had a bad experience, oh sure there were little things here and there, and I did pick a bad week to choose the Destiny - but each and every cruise has been wonderful, met great people, visited beautiful places and did things that I had only seen on Discovery Channel and Travel Channel. This will be my 2nd time to Belize and can't wait to go back to San Pedro, it's like going back in time. Also shark /ray alley is a must if you like to snorkel. From what I have seen of Roatan on line it looks awsome and am excited about this port. All in all a cruise is what you make of it and so are the ports. Relax, look beyond the poverty for the real beauty of each of these places, trust me you will find it, and be thankfull that you are able to experience all that is around you.


I am not what you would call a Carnival cruise line lover. That being said I do not understand all the neg. reviews. The newer ships are great, the food has improved in the last few years and they have added nice little touches in the cabin that they didn't have before, all you used to get was a bar of soap, now you get a basket of goodies! The service in my opinion has been very good. I would not worry about the reviews , you just can't make eveyone happy no matter what you do. Go and have a great cruise and take lots of photo's to share with all of us when you return :thumb

Laurie =bigwave


Lainie: I think it is important to read balanced reviews. If you find a review that is all negative, move on to another review. I think it is also important to remember the all important question....am I getting my dollars worth. Sure a $1,000 a week cruise on Carnival probably won't be as "shee-shee foo-foo" as a $4,000 a week cruise on one of the other more expensive lines. But then, you did not pay $4,000 either. After 20 years of Carnival, (and only Carnival) we have always gotten our money's worth. We will cruise other lines eventually...but for now, Carnival is meeting our needs for the right price. Are there some things Carnival could do better, of course. Everyone has room for improvement. But over all, if a cruiser packs the right attitude....Carnival will deliver on their part. Everyone should remember.....while we are hoping for the best cabin steward and waiters.....these same cabin steward and waiters are hoping they get the best cruisers!!


There is no such thing as a bad cruise!

Some are just better than others!!!

Don't worry and be happy!


I just returned from the Glory 10/18 Eastern Carribean sailing which I thoroughly enjoyed. Were things perfect? Of course not? Was anything so horrible that it spoiled my cruise? Don't be ridiculous. Took the Radisson shuttle to the port at 2:00pm and was in my cabin at 3:00pm. The ship is huge and it took a couple of days to get the lay of the land. The staff was courteous and friendly. Were they always smiling? No, they were working, do I smile all day at my job? I think not! The food was sometimes good, sometimes great and sometimes I ordered something else. My cabin 6457 aft was over the piano bar and some nights they had rip roaring sing-alongs going. The bad news, they stopped at 1:30am. The good news, I never went to bed before 3:00am. The cabin steward was quick, efficient and personable. What more could I have asked for? There was a sewage smell on the first and second level, but only in the hall and I didn't hang out there. There was a lot of smoke in the casino and in the smoking areas of the ship so I didn't spend much time in those places. The ports of call were what you'd expect in the Carribean, islands not posh resorts. They have a rich history and quaintness that appeals to me. Which is why I've been so many times. I read these boards fairly often and take everything I read with a big grain of salt. You can't please everyone and some people can't ever be pleased. They want the the staff to pick them up and kiss them every time see them. I say if you're on a cruise (or any vacation for that matter) the idea is to get away from the everyday things. I don't want things to be the way they are at home. If that's the case why go away? Just relax, go with the flow and enjoy yourself. I think we make our own good times, the rest is just icing.


Hi, I would not be too concerned. I once was so shocked from the cruise reviews from my own site that me and my fellow cruisers talked about it. It was about 24hrs into the cruise and we were saying "Wow, the food is great! The service is great! The ship is great! So is the crew!". We figured that some of the reviewers must have been on a different ship. (It was Voyager of the Seas when it first came out)

So don't let it ruin or damper your plans. I'm not knocking our reviewers but, don't base all your views and/or decisions on them. I read them and try to filter our "complaints" and useful information. I also read several on the same ship and If I hear repeated praise or complaints about something I look deeper. This is where our search feature really comes into play.

In closing, no matter what cruise your on.. someone unfortunately will probably have a negative view of it... just like you might have the time of your life. I guess its just like anything else. This is why I'm glad we get reviews added each day, so the viewpoint it varied and supplies great information.


We just returned from our Conquest cruise which celebrated it's first year anniversary. There are always Negatives and Positives that can be shared in a written review. Some like to accentuate but I have never had a bad cruise on any ship on any cruise line. We did not have our cabin made up on 2 different days, we were a little rushed at dinner, the lines were longer than I care to wait in at the buffet, Embarkation wasn't the best, etc. Did these things affect our overall cruise experience, absolutely not. We had a great relaxing cruise and can't wait to sail again in 4 months. I wish I could have stayed up late to watch the Halloween costume parade and view the Haunted House. You just can't do it all. Go with an open mind and don't expect perfection.
bon Voyage