Love Boat?


Capt Data

It is the Princess line in general. It's because of the TV show from the seventies. It's in re-runs now. The original Love Boat was the Island Princess (original show but changed to the Pacific Princess when Gavin McLeod became Captain Stuibbing).

Cruise cutie

The television show ran for better than 10 years and was a HUGE hit here in the's alive and well in re-run drove a large number of people to try cruising from the 1970's on...:grin..hit google and "The Love Boat TV show..." see what happens.................;)..Joanne


Hey Joanne... You know, i did just that, I typed in just what you said. and BOOM! I got like 773,000 finds. I found this love boat show fan site. There is a place where you get to choose your favorite captian. So I hit who else? Gavin McCloud. You know where it took me?

To a low carb diet web site. :lol Between you and me I think that diet is rediculous. But that's niether here nor there.

I dunno, maybe their trying to tell me something :lol


< Between you and me I think that diet is rediculous.

To each his own but I've lost 30 pounds on it and haven't felt better in years. I might add that I never went hungry on it either. Most important thing for me is it taught me how to eat more sensibly....

Cruise cutie

well Ken..I've been doing low carbs for 23 of my 44 years..and it's the only way I stay a size 10 /12... with the absolute top of size 14..I'm Italian..and love to cook / eat..and my Blood pressure is LOW and my Hdl Ldl too..but if it works for DH and I that's what counts in my book as a nurse 25 years..cheers to all people staying healthy!!..:)..Joanne