Terry - Fallston, MD
Well, folks .... Our Valentine's Anniversary cruise is only a few days away and it looks like my luck may have finally changed this year. No major snow in the forecast for next Tuesday !
I'd like to thank "JohnG" for posting a myriad of Norfolk "links" over the past several months. Other folks have been helpful, as well , but John has provided a wealth of very useful information. I never would've thought that the Cedar Grove parking facility would be "cash only" @ $10/day.
Retrieved my tux and shirts from the closet yesterday ( It's nice visiting old friends ) thinking it'd be a good idea have them cleaned. I think I've held up better with age than they have. I'd have thought I would've had a vivid memory of getting a burn hole in the seat of my pants ! Oh well, thank God for the local tux rental shops with "Cruise Specials". $130 for a tux and 3 shirts, vests & ties for 2 weeks .. What a life-saver !
I'd like to request that everyone say a few "fair weather" prayers for those who will be leaving Norfolk on 2/21 ...... It'll make our ride home much more enjoyable.
I'd like to thank "JohnG" for posting a myriad of Norfolk "links" over the past several months. Other folks have been helpful, as well , but John has provided a wealth of very useful information. I never would've thought that the Cedar Grove parking facility would be "cash only" @ $10/day.
Retrieved my tux and shirts from the closet yesterday ( It's nice visiting old friends ) thinking it'd be a good idea have them cleaned. I think I've held up better with age than they have. I'd have thought I would've had a vivid memory of getting a burn hole in the seat of my pants ! Oh well, thank God for the local tux rental shops with "Cruise Specials". $130 for a tux and 3 shirts, vests & ties for 2 weeks .. What a life-saver !
I'd like to request that everyone say a few "fair weather" prayers for those who will be leaving Norfolk on 2/21 ...... It'll make our ride home much more enjoyable.