Majesty of the Seas 2/23



we are with you. :)
Married couple from Florida...second time on Majesty. 8th time on RCCL


woohoo! were two friends who wanted to get away. were from missouri--need to get outa this cold! ive cruised before (once on majesty, others on carnival). my friend hasnt sailed before. were in our mid 40s. but were lots of fun! we were thinking of going to atlantis on our nassau day--what are ya'll figurin on doing?


I am in my late 40's, DH is in early 50's. Have two grown children and two gorgeous granddaughters.
We are, (don't laugh @ us) going to do the "Segway" tour in Nassau. :D How funny is that?
I have been to Atlantis just to look around. It is real nice. Are you going to go to the casino, or to
the water slides? Or just hang out there?
I am on another roll call for this cruise on another site, there is a handful of us talking over there.
If we choose a time and place to meet, I will let you know about it. It is always nice to have familiar faces
around the ship.
The weather should be great the end of February for this cruise. Are you coming in the day B4 or day of the cruise?
Talk later,


what is the segway tour? im not sure what my friend wendy and i are gonna do. five years ago when my husband and i went on this cruise, we wandered around atlantis looking at everything (i felt really sorry for the giant stingray that circled round and round in the aquarium). i figured id let wendy decide what she wanted to do since she hasnt been there before. id love to meet everyone on board ship. maybe ill see if i can find the other forum to talk with everyone. were just flying in the day of the cruise; i think our flight gets in around 11:45 so we should be on board fairly early. thanks for talking! ttyl, diane