Majesty shore excursions



My wife and I will going on the NCL Majesty on 28/2/04. This is our first cruise and are unfamiliar with disembarking at ports of call as well as all aspects of cruising. We are looking at booking a snorkel tour with one of the operators in Georgetown. We were wondering if anyone had any operators they would heartily endorse or warn us away from. Also since the ship arrives in port at 7:00 am, would a snorkel tour that begins at 9:00 or 9:30 be out of the question or should we look closer to 10:00 am? We are also looking at going to Tulum with the cruise arranged tour in Cozumel. Is there any other info we should have before we embark on this trip as to how things are expected on the ship itself? We have read the posts on this forum regarding the ship (both good and bad) and are hoping to keep an open mind. Thanks for any help.


Sailed 11/29/03 on Majesty. Ship aint in great shape..Crew leaves a lot to be desired...Cayman is wonderful.. Tulum trip is a long day but well worth it..Since its first time.. Stick to cruise sponsored tours...You can read my review of this ship a ways down on this board. (NCL Majesty a joke) but dont let that stop you.. cruising is wonderful and even a bad cruise is better than a good day at work.. Being your first time you will have a wonderful time and when you go again, you will be even moreimpressed if you take a bigger ship..


Thanks for the info. We appreciate any information we can get and we are eagerly waiting to go. 10 days to go.


Had a wonderful time on the Majesty the week of Christmas...ship is in great shape, food was good, service in the dining rooms could have been better, but overall a very positive experience (our 7th cruise). I would recommend Swimming with the Stingrays in Grand Cayman (have done it twice), swimming in Chankanaab Park or Playa Sol in Cozumel, and the trolley tour in Key West. Leave time in Grand Cayman and Cozumel for shopping. Key West is boring to us and having already been there, we didn't even get off the ship this time. I did a review of our cruise in the Reviews section. Enjoy your cruise!


I would recommend one of the catamaran operators to stingray city, you get to sail as well as snorkel, must better than a motor boat.

I can personally recommend Captain Bryans Stingray City Catamaran :

but I would also recommend looking at the new Buccanneer Catamaran as well as it has some extra pluses: including a brand new catamaran, extra snorkeling stop and there is a bar onboard so you can have a few drinks inbetween snorkeling stops:)