I wrote an entire long explanation about my disappearance, and IT disappeared! :madd:
So...here goes again. First of all, heartfelt thanks to Judi and to all of you for your concern. Since all of you know what my work is, I would NEVER disappear without emailing those who need to know my whereabouts.
At any rate, I've been on Coumadin again for awhile. Monday morning, out of nowhere, I began to hemorrhage from my left nostril. When it wouldn't stop, I called Jean for help with Pucci who was terrified at the scene. To be brief, I had to call for EMT's - Jean took Pucci and they transported me to the ER. The amount of blood was horrifying.
I was in the ER over 6 hours as they tried to stop the flow, which was finally done by tamping my nostril with a "Rhino Rocket". I was then admitted to a room that night. The second afternoon, I went into delayed shock - not pleasant.
As any of you know who have been hospitalized, communications aren't easy. I didn't have the strength to communicate with anyone except our Agency owner until I contacted Judi.
The Rhino Rocket was removed last night and my nostril was cauterized by an ENT Specialist. Can you say OUCH?! The ENT and my Primary Physician (the latter visited me several times a day) checked me this morning and gave the go-ahead to discharge me.
The hospital and nursing staff were outstanding.
I thank Judi for posting in my behalf, and all of you for your concern, prayers and well-wishes.
I'm unbelievably weak and am back to using a walker for the time being. I'm off of Coumadin, which helped cause this. As you can probably surmise, my trans-Canal cruise has to be cancelled.
Yes, Pucci is plastered by my side. I'll be staying overnight at Jean's. If I feel confident enough, I'll return home tomorrow.
Mary Ann