Mama Duck- Shipmaven


Environmental Compliance Officer
Mary Ann has been hospitalized since Monday quite unexpectedly with a serious hemorrhagic nose bleed. She's doing fine and hopes to be discharged tomorrow or Saturday.

All business matters are under control and taken care of expeditiously.

Jean, Bless her, is taking care of Pucci.

Mary Ann asks for, and thanks you in advance, for your prayers.


Staff Captain
OMG I am so sorry to read this and hope that she is doing much better today! Please pass along my {{hugs}} to her.



Captain Weather
Continued good thoughts coming from north Jersey going to Mary Ann.



Environmental Compliance Officer

thank you Judy for letting us know. Joe & I have been very worried about her. As we noticed she didn't post all week and I have both called and e-mailed her with no response. Which is not like her. This is a big relief!
Please keep us posted. Tell her she is in our prayers.

Evie & Joe


Staff Captain
I was wondering where she was prayers go her way her cruise is in a couple of weeks she needs to make this one


Staff Captain
Hope it is under control soon with no repeats. Thanks for letting us know.



Staff Captain
I was JUST NOW going to start a thread asking why Mary Ann was MIA. I thought maybe she was doing something and I missed the notice of it. So very sorry she is in the hospital. Sheesh, I am afraid to come to this forum anymore....FEEL BETTER/GET WELL thoughts and wishes to you, Mary Ann. Will look forward to hearing you are home with Pucci again soon.


Staff Captain
So sorry to hear this. Seems like it is just 1 thing after another with our cruise addicts family. Positive thoughts going her way that everything is under control & that she'll be back posting with us soon.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
thanking you for letting us know about mary ann

i had noticed that she had not been posting but just thought she was busy with work

prayers for mary ann and hope that she comes home soon and all will be well


Staff Captain
I m so sorry to hear, positive thought are on the way. Glad to hear everyting is on the mend


1st Officer - Navigation
Thanks for the post. I too have missed her and am glad all is under control and she will be home soon. Prayers from here. Susan


Trivia Specialist
Poor Mary Ann....seems it is just one thing after another. Pucci must be upset too and missing mama!

Mary Ann...hoping you're better soon and home again with the little man!




Staff Captain
Well crying out loud. I knew she was missing, but figured she was still bogged down with End of the Month paperwork.

We both send our best and hope she is home soon and feeling better. (((HUGS)))


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
I was also worried as she has been absent for the last few days.
I am sure Pucci is longing for you to come home, Mary Ann!

Prayers from overseas for a rapid healing to Mary Ann!



Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Well, I guess everyone can trash the mass maining I did earlier. Did speak with her. Says she's doing "well" .... Note she said "well" not "great". Once I ws assured that things were not overly serious .. geav her grief for not getting wurd out to us earlier. I means ... *sheesh* If she wants to meet cute doctors and nurses that badly .....

On a more serious note, she is doing alright and is probably going to be released this afternoon (AZ time), or at worst tomorrow morning. Said she really appreciates all the love, concern, prayers and well wishes from the boards.