Mariner of the Seas 25 April 2010


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Staff member
Off on a family cruise to Mexican Riviera . Returning to RCCL and on a great big ship.. Cause it's family lol.

anyone else ??


Staff Captain
Have a wonderful cruise, we will be sailing the Western Caribbean about the same time


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Staff member
OK I'll wave as we get to the furthest southern part of the Mexican Coast

That's the WEST coast lol

mind you the ship's so big maybe if I get on deck # 15 or so you will be able to see me.


Forum Manager
Staff member
Sailed on the Mariner last October. Loved her so much we just booked again for 24 October. Yes she is a big one. And lovely.

Hey guys

I'll let you know how we liked her when we all get back.
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