Maw monday morn report


Chief Security Officer
Spoke with nurse when I got home from work, she had a decent night. Stated they are managing pain level easily, still having to work on her heart rate a little, seems to be around 90 to 100, other vitals good. They were able to get a couple units of blood in her, so a little progress in that department. She was sleeping so didn't get to talk with her, will check back after a sleep.
Paw called me last night before I went to work and he seems to be holding up okay.



Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks again for the update Brenda. Glad to hear that they were able to get the blood in, like you said a little progress. Also glad that the pain is under conrol & hope that they can get the rate rate in shape today so they can get onto the surgery. That was nice that Paw called you & checked in good to hear that he is holding his own.
Go get some sleep & will be waiting to hear from you later.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction....I'll be glad when she is safely out of the surgery though. She and Paw were GREATLY missed yesterday and will be more so today at sailaway. But tell her we send our love and get well wishes 'cause we do have her Bucket List cruise to look forward to!


Staff Captain
Great to hear she had a good nights rest. She will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery.


Captain Weather
Thanks Brenda for keeping us informed.



Staff Captain
Poor Maw & Paw. We hate so much that this happened. We just wish we could do something to help, but we do send our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery! (((HUGS)))


Environmental Compliance Officer
Thanks for the update Brenda, we sincerely appreciate it. She is in all our thoughts and prayers!! Please send our love to Maw and Paw, Cindi & Ed


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update, Brenda. Hugs to you all. So sorry this happened.:doubledown::doubledown: Thinking of all of you constantly.


Staff Captain
Glad to hear things are going well. Thank you for the update.


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update Daw. I wish you alll the best.



1st Officer - Navigation
Steady as she goes.........soon Maw will be full steam ahead. Keeping her and Paw in my thoughts.


Staff Captain
Brenda, thanks for the update. Glad to hear she had a restful night. Send her our love
Jeanie & Rick


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update - I am glad Maw is starting to hold her own and I hope that the surgery is soon so she can heal.



Forever Remembered
Thanks for the update, Brenda. I hope and pray MAW keeps improving. Hugs to her and PAW, and I keep hoping for ever-improving news.

Maw's probably too "out of it", but tell her that Pucci sends special tail wags.

Mary Ann

Donna - dsw

Staff Captain
Thanks so much for keeping us informed - - I know you have alot on your plate right now - but we greatly appreciate it!

Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.

Glad to hear Paw is holding up ok - I am sure he is beside himself.

Take care


Safety Officer
Thanks so much for the update.

connie seabee

Staff Captain
Community Sponsor

Thank you so much for the updates, it's grately appreciated. I'm glad to hear Paw is holding up, I know how concerned he is about Maw.
Get some needed rest for yourself too.