Chief Security Officer
Paw called about 2:45, No surgery today! Ugh! I guess the surgeon that was doing the surgery only comes to Bolivar 1 day a week (Tue) and had not seen any Xrays, he finally showed up around 2 and after looking everything over decided there is to much swelling in the ankle still to do the surgery, could be up to 2 weeks before he feels this could happen. He wants therapy to work on the area and get the swelling down, stated it is a real bad break, she has three options to consider. Fix it like as they had before, do a rod which involves fusing the bone, or Paw counldn't remember 3rd option. Which may or maynot work.:doubledown:
Talked with Maw at 3:30, they have moved her to Telemetry, which gives her more freedom as far as she can have phone calls, but 2 doors away from ICU. Number to hospital is 417-326-6000. She wasn't quite as dopey this afternoon, but I'm sure that flucuates with meds and sleep.
Talked with Maw at 3:30, they have moved her to Telemetry, which gives her more freedom as far as she can have phone calls, but 2 doors away from ICU. Number to hospital is 417-326-6000. She wasn't quite as dopey this afternoon, but I'm sure that flucuates with meds and sleep.