Maw Update, Wed, 3/2


Chief Security Officer
Not much new to report. Spoke with her a few minutes ago and she said her bottom side was getting sore, so they have turned her on her side now. Guess they are looking at moving her over to the Nursing Center until they are ready to do surgery, I'm sure it's an insurance thing. :( She had knocked her Kindle on the floor reaching for the phone, so plans to have Paw go to Walmart to get it replaced. ( that will break his heart, haha) She had enjoyed the phone calls she has received. :thankyou: to all for your wishes and prayers.



Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update Brenda, just what I been waiting for.
Thats too bad that they need to move her, everything is about money these days.
Did the kindle break? Hope Paw can get it replaced. I know it will just break his heart to have to go to Wal-Mart.
Glad to hear that she has enjoyed the phone calls.
You get some rest & take care


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Please tell her that we miss her SO much here on the Grand and we send her all our love and prayers!


Staff Captain
Sending love and hope that you ALL get some needed rest tonight. HUGS.

connie seabee

Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Brenda, thank you once again for keeping us posted on Maws condition. I'm sorry to hear that they will be moving her to another area in the hospital. I sent her a card yesterday, but haven't called as yet, I figure that there are several call coming in and I don't want to wear her out.
Continued Prayers for Maw and Paw.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update. So sorry that they will have to move her but we sure have to keep up with things for the insurance. Sorry about the Kindle.


Safety Officer
Thank you so much for the update. I'm hoping she's keeping her spirits up!


Staff Captain
I am sorry to read that they will be moving Maw. Insurance is definitely challenging in these situations. I am praying that they do surgery soon so she can get to healing.

I hope Paw enjoys his trip to WalMart! It is too bad that Maw dropped and broke her kindle. Hopefully replacing it won't be too expensive to replace.

Sending my best thoughts to Maw today
