Maw's Address


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Denise.. if you wait for her to get off the meds.. you may wait a while:whistle:

Just go for it.. she does love to hear from everyone, and it lifts her spirits.
She had broken her Kindle when she was first admitted, so I was pleased to hear that her new one was there now. I just hope that she hangs onto this one, as she definitely faded away from me once or twice.

Just think of how long she has been in there, I know that it would depress me.. and she still has a long way to go.

So everyone, remember to send a card to her now and then. I know that Brenda put up the address somewhere on this board. Plus the link to sending the hospital emails. We must remember to ask her if she is getting them. If not.. it is back to snail mail.

Parkview Health Care Facility
Attn: Marilyn Whitaker
room: 147
119 West Forest Street
Bolivar, MO 65613-1316

E Card Link:
Last edited:


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the address.


Forever Remembered
Thanks, Denise. Do you remember the Room Number, which is required info for the e-card?

red stripe

Staff Captain
Denise, you must read minds.:biggrin:
I had just finished talking with Maw, and I was going to ask that whomever put the contact info on the board originally re-post it.

Maw was bouncy today, and doing a bit of research into the group cruises, so that is a good sign. She has a little homework for E to do for her, and had broken the news to Paw that they would be sailing as long as everything goes well.:clap:

She said that they had her up again this morning. She stands up and then transfers her weight from the wheelchair to the walker and stood for about 2 min each time. She can not put weight on the broken foot, but she said that it made her feel good to stand even for short periods of time.

her new Kindle is working well, and she will be able to retrieve the books that she had on the old one, but she said that right now she is going to be good and take a nap.:whistle:

She said to tell you that she is receiving her hospital emails, and thank you to those that sent them today.


Staff Captain
Just sent her a hopsital email; hope she gets it. Thanks for the info, guys, and now I know where to go here, on the board for info.


I want to thank you all o for the variou method of mail. Have a sack full of cards wth various message. So good to have so much sharing of love. Wish you all could visit in person . The park here i beautiful. Have peacocs roving and showing off their brilliant tails. When my kids were in grade school we would ride out here to park to see the swans and geese .It was always a cooling relaxing place to me. I wored on committees to get the hosital and of course all kinds of medical care followed. rooms are very small but colrful clean and serve for what we need.Nursing care is good. Today I have a nurse in training looking over me. Very good training is being given.

Love to you all--Hey New Jersey shame you ar3en't the man in next room. Miss you.

Just eish could see you all. Hugs Mw


Forever Remembered
Maw - you sound perky and upbeat. Glad to see that.:doubleup: Please keep up the good work. {{{HUGS}}} and {{{TAIL WAGS}}}