MIL Update


Staff Captain
DH's mom is coming along - slow and steady. Yesterday she tried to remove the tube to the vent and we are noticing that she is more alert every day.

Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes.



Staff Captain
Thanks Lisa. Marty is taking a break from going down there every day off (he has his hands full between me, his mom and now DD) so we are relying on family for updates until he goes again. She seems to be doing well from what we are hearing.

We appreciate everyone's prayers!



Senior Flea Coller Tester
Excellent news. Hope to hear good news all around.


2nd Officer
Glad to hear she's getting better.....the news is probably a little less exciting with your DD's news.....sorry for her (and you're) loss......I wish cyber hugs could make it all better....... {{{{HUGS}}}}

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Glad to hear that your MIL has been showing some improvement.

You certainly are having an awful lot happening.

Prayers for you and all your family.