Monday 3/28 Maw


Chief Security Officer
Talked with her earlier and she seemed about the same. Said she had been to therapy today and they had her stand up with the walker. She has been fighting all the gadgets, therefore I'm not sure she has made it onto the computer. Yesterday she was having so much trouble with TV control which only worked by pushing numbers, Paw gave up and went and got her a new TV. Today she said she couldn't find number in phone book on phone. So needless to say her head is still a little foggy.
Tomorrow she has follow-up with surgeon, so we will see if they lighten up on some of the meds.
Well gotta leave for work. Later



Staff Captain
Thanks Brenda for the update on Maw. The drugs, the not knowing what is next, the general hospital confusion will be bound to be upsetting for her. But at least she is over one hurdle. Now onto the next one! Hope the dr. lightens up on the drugs but not if that will cause her pain.



Senior Flea Coller Tester
Poor maw, I'm sure she's not happy being so "out of it" due to the drugs. Hope they can work the dosage out and she'll feeling better soon.


Forever Remembered
Thank you for the update, Brenda. I hope the doctors can modify MAW's meds so that she can be comfortable, but more "with it".

Hugs and tail wags for MAW and PAW.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks once again for the update Brenda....I too hope they can keep Maw comfortable with less medication so she can become more functional....I know it must be frustrating for her and Paw.


Staff Captain
Thank you, Daw...I am concerned about Maw's continued confusion as it started before she actually had her surgery. I too hope that the medications gets modified soon so she can come out of this haze. (((HUGS)))


Staff Captain
Brenda, thanks for the update. I too hope that the Dr.'s can ease up a little on Maw's meds. There is such a fine line between taking away the pain and not being groggy. Sending hugs from KC.

connie seabee

Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Brenda, Again, Thank You for the updates. As others have already stated, lets hope the Dr will start cutting back on some of the meds.


Staff Captain
thanks for the update for yesterday I hope dr will take away some of the meds and look forward in hear how everything went at doctor appointment.