You can also use ginger root capsules. Heard about them on the boards, used 1 twice a day starting the week before the trip, continued during the trip and a few days after (I actually don't get sick aboard cruising, just afterwards--"landlegs"!) Was on my 4th cruise 2 weeks ago and didn't get sick at all, even did a deepseafishing trip for about 6 hours (used 1 bonine tablet the morning of the fishing trip). Definitely didn't get the "landlegs" at all, either. It was so nice to come home and not be dizzy for 3-5 days afterwards. Usually ginger doesn't have side effects, but someone at work got sick taking them. So definitely try them before the cruise---try anything you plan to use before the cruise, and if it makes you sick, go with something else. My relatives used bonine for the fishing trip and got very drowsy (but we were up very late the night before), just a personal reaction, I guess. Don't know about using ginger root and alcohol. (I don't drink). Does anyone else?