MSC Cruises safeguards the environment - Press Releases

MSC Cruises News

Chief Security Officer
MSC Cruises Has Just Posted the Following:


MSC Cruises continues to develop its commitment to the environment. A new agreement with theItalian National Consortium for Recuperating and Recycling Aluminium Packaging (CiAI) means a special collection for aluminium will be made from ships in the MSC Cruises fleet.

This collection will apply to ships departing from Genoa and Venice and the recycling will take place at designated plants in the ports of Genoa and Bari. Tin cans used for drinks, foil used in cooking and storage tubs and containers will be collected and handed to CiAL for recycling. The recycled material will be re-used for household goods and furnishings in construction, transportation and many other fields.

It is estimated that in the second semester of 2007 about 15 tonnes of aluminium will be collected on board MSC Cruises' ships. This recycled material could become the equivalent of 29,000 new mocha machines, 1,300 bicycles or 1,650 wheel rims. Aluminium is 100% recyclable and recycling can be done forever, saving 95% on the energy needed to produce the metal from its raw material, bauxite.

MSC Cruises is at the forefront of safeguarding environmental aspects. It was the first cruise company to obtain the UNI EN ISO 9002/1994 and UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certificate. Since July 2007 the company and its entire fleet have been certified to the ISO 14001 Environmental Protection standard as a result of a system that is in place and regulates all activities that have an environmental impact.

MSC Cruises is also one of the first to support the Venice Blue Flag project, set up to control emissions of all the ships in transit between Bocca di Porto Lido and the Maritime Station of this lagoon capital. In the photo accompanying this news release Massimo Bertoldero, Area Manager of the Venice region is shown receiving the Venice Blue Flag Award from Massimo Cacciari, Mayor of Venice.

MSC Fantasia and MSC Splendida are the newest generation of twin ships currently in construction at the Aker Yards in St. Nazaire, France. Two giants of the sea, each 133,500 tonnes, will be the largest ships built for a European shipowner and will have the most modern technology to safeguard the environment, including: wastewater treatment plants; energy savings in all cabins and public spaces; and non-toxic paints specially formulated for ships' hulls. MSC Fantasia and MSC Splendida will join the fleet in November 2008 and June 2009 respectively.

CiAI - Consorzio Nazionale per il Recupero e il Riciclo di Imballaggi in Alluminio.

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