multi tools alowed on board???



Im wondering if we are alowed smal pocket knives like swiss army or gerber multi tools on board.

I always have either on hand usually if im not allowed ill leave them in the car before we cruise.

I didnt see anything in regards to small stuff. Appart from the ovious is there a size limit that is alowed fo folding blades?


I have one of those multi tools. It folds up to about 2" and has a dozen instruments in it. I have never had a problem. I have it in my purse. Only "problem" I had was when we flew one time and I forgot to take it out of my purse! It was RIGHT after 9/11 and we left from Newark Airport. I was surrounded by National Guard and German Shepards!!! So if you're flying, be sure to put it in your checked luggage!


I usually carry a small pocket knife (2 1/2" blade) and I have always place in the metals basket along with my pocket change at the scanner. Have yet to have a problem.


On my cruise this past March, I was in line for the first screening station and remembered that I still had my knife clipped inside my pocket, its one of those that the clip hangs outside your pocket and the knife inside, it has a three inch blade but no tools. I handed it to the guy and told him I forgot to leave it in the car, I figured he would keep it but he handed it back to me and said "it's legal".