My Sister Would Appreciate Your Prayers!


Environmental Compliance Officer
Those of you on the 2009 Alaska cruise and this May's Bermuda cruise may remember my Sister, Cis. Last Thursday, we found out she has lung cancer. As far as they can tell, it's stage 1 and has not spread anywhere else. She had a pet scan a couple weeks ago and this and an inflammation in the esophagus (not cancer) were the only two things that showed up.

She has an appointment 8/15 at University of Pennsylvania Hospital.

We would appreciate any and all prayers anyone can spare.


Staff Captain
Oh Judi, we are so sorry to hear this! We really love Cis and Magee and hate to hear bad news about them. I hope she's able to get treatment and be on the road to recovery soon. Lots of prayers are on the way now, and I'll have Cis added to our church list and the one at work that our Catholic sisters have for us. Please let us know how she is doing.


Forever Remembered
Prayers were started the moment I learned about Cis. I pray this will have been caught in time and she'll have a complete recovery.


Mary Ann


Safety Officer
She is of course in my well as those close to her. Prayer is a powerful thing and I do believe in the power of prayer.


1st Officer - Navigation
Judi, I am so sorry and am sending healing thoughts her way. She has early diagnosis on her side. Please keep us posted. Hugs for you!


Senior Flea Coller Tester
It is a blessing that this was caught so early. There is always room for another prayer, for Cis and her wider family and friends as they deal with this too. Please let us know how she does.


Trivia Specialist
Judi...I do remember meeting Cis on our Bermuda cruise and I am so sorry to hear this news. Of course I will keep Cis in my prayers! Knowing that the cancer has not metastasized seems a very positive bit of news. I'm praying that this early diagnosis will lead to a full recovery! Hugs to Cis and to all of you who love her and are so distressed by this news!!


Staff Captain
Prayers said. So sorry you have to go thru this but it's a good thing they caught it early.


1st Officer - Navigation
So sorry to hear about this and of course prayers are sent your and her way. So glad it was caught early as it can make the difference between life and death. My cruise mate's Mother recently was diagnosed with lung CA. Found it during an MRI for her back problems so was very early - had the lower lobe of lung removed and doing great - Dr. told her if it had not been found until she started having problems (est 2-3 months) that there would have been nothing they could do and she would have been gone by Christmas so EARLY is a big key plus only a Stage 1 - all positive for a great outcome. Keep us posted and will keep the prayers coning. Susan


Environmental Compliance Officer

Sorry Judi to hear about your sister. My dear friend of 45 years was diagnosed last December with lunch cancer and today she is doing very well. In fact, she is leaving for a much needed vacation next week. It was a long hard road but she made it. Have faith. Sending lots of prayers for you.


Staff Captain
Judi - Our love and prayers are being sent for Cis and for all her loved ones. We sincerely hope for a full recovery - it's very encouraging that they found this cancer early without spread.

Hugs -

Meg & Marty