My Solstice review now on line




Have a peek if you are up to it.


Thanks for the review Bob!

Sounds a lot like my experience on the new 2900 pax Ruby in December. Not my cup of tea.

BTW - I filled out comment cards on last two X about the Euro Tech HORRIBLE music on the TV...nothing "normal" to listen to. Apparently they don't care.:help

Loved the story about the guy falling....:lol
Spring Break - never a wise move, unless it's at least a two weeker. Most students and families stick to one week or less.

I've always had a "thing" about lifeboat drills. As long as you know how to put on a jacket, it's silly they still require it. Why? Because you rarely go to the REAL "muster station" you will use and they specifically state in the event of a REAL emergency, this may or may not be where you should go....cracks me up and I try to sneak out of it whenever possible. Hanging out in corridors and hot rooms listening to babble that no one is going to pay attention to is just silly. But it's still the law.

Again, thanks for the review. I'll let you know what I think of Oceania in October - "alledgedly" the sameabouts as Azamara. I doubt it. I'm hoping a full step above.;)


Thanks for the review. I enjoyed comparing your reviews with your other martini mates. It just shows how other people can have an entirely different cruising experience than someone else based on what criteria are important to them: cabin layout, port itinerary, dining, excursions, etc.